by Junmay github
2021-08-03 major update
- existing stock price scraper did not work well, because '' pages might be changed not to be scrapped.
- the new program scrap stock informs from '' pages
get stock information: price, volume, rate, code
get news information from Naver news.
- start, end: start date and end date (defualt: 3 days ago to today)
- sort: {0: reliable, 1: latest}
- max_page: how many pages (Naver news) to scrap?
run all.
- --start
- --end
- --sort
- --max_page
'NAVER 카카오 삼성전자' (split by a space)
[example] 삼성전자, 카카오, 라온피플, 그린플러스, NAVER의 현재가(오늘 종가) 및 2021년 7월 30일 ~ 2021년 8월 3일 네이버뉴스 (최신순) 최대 3페이지까지 크롤링
python --start 20210730 --end 20210803 --sort 1 --max_page 3
"상장 기업명을 space로 구분하여 정확하게 입력해주세요"
삼성전자 카카오 라온피플 그린플러스 NAVER
[outdated version]
get stock information: price, volumn, supply and demand, and so on.
[example] after market on 2020-11-13
get news information from Naver news. (start date to end date)
[example] maxpage=30, in late 2days, sorting=1 (from new ones to old ones)
name, title, date, media, summary, link
- debug all process.
- make xlsx file.
companies = ['두산중공업', '세아제강', '위세아이텍', '이엔드디', '솔트룩스']
full_run(companies=companies, start=20201111, end=20201114, maxpage=3)