This is a demo of running WordPress in OpenShift 4.x for students at the DevOps Engineer programme at Lernia education in Alvik, Bromma, Stockholm, Sweden.
The namespace is set in namespace.yaml
choose what you want and create it:
$ oc apply -f namespace.yaml
Then use the namespace:
$ oc project myNameSpace
You need to create the PVC, and then mount it as /data. Start the Wordpress pod and copy files from /opt/app-root/src/ to /data. Change the mountPath
in wordpress-deployment.yaml
to /data
- name: wordpress-data
mountPath: /data
Delete the deployment and restart it:
$ oc delete deployment/wordpress
$ oc apply -f wordpress-deployment.yaml
Now find the name of the wordpress pod:
$ oc get pod
mariadb-77fdb58778-jwxp4 1/1 Running 0 61m
wordpress-764f45dbcf-6mqt8 1/1 Running 0 61m
In this example the pod is named wordpress-764f45dbcf-6mqt8
, yours will be different!
Connect to the pod:
$ oc rsh pod/wordpress-764f45dbcf-6mqt8
In the pod you run:
$ cp -R /opt/app-root/src/* /data/
$ exit
Delete the wordpress pod and change Deployment configuration so it volume mounts the pvc in /opt/app-root/src/ folder instead.
- name: wordpress-data
mountPath: /opt/app-root/src
Apply the deployment:
$ oc apply -f wordpress-deployment.yaml