Tags: jonaslu/ain
Ain is in homebrew-core now Remove my homebrew-tools repo and use the main homebrew-core Formulae. Ain has been in the homebrew-core for some months now, switch over the installation process. Test plan: * docker run .it homebrew/brew:latest bash brew install ain. ain -v.
Ooops: bug-fix, host is nil if url is invalid If the url fails, the host is nil (and the error is non-nil). Don't try to set the query string on a nil-host as it'll segfault. Accumulate the fatals and set the host only if there are no fatals. Test plan: * Have an [Host] with an illegal url (such as http://localhost:300/page:3). Verify error on host and no segfault.
Add homebrew pipeline to .goreleaser.yml Get onto mac and the popular homebrew. Create a release with this commit and push the ain.rb file to the homebrew-tools repo. Test plan: * Run docker run --rm -it --user 1000 homebrew/brew, brew tap jonaslu/tools brew install ain Verify installation works and binary is accessible after installation. * brew uninstall ain, brew untap jonaslu/tools cleans up and works.