django-solvemedia Public archive
Forked from kz26/django-solvemediaDjango integration for Solve Media CAPTCHA/Type-in ads
Python Other UpdatedMay 19, 2013 -
django-social-auth Public archive
Forked from omab/django-social-authDjango social authentication made simple
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 30, 2012 -
django-flatblocks Public archive
Forked from zerok/django-flatblocksdjango-chunks + headerfield + variable chunknames + "inclusion tag" + blocksets == django-flatblocks -- FUNCTIONAL, BUT NOT READY FOR GENERAL USE.
nxccs-thumbnailer Public archive
The Thumbnailer is a Google App Engine application which gets a thumbnail out of any URL you throw at it. AGPL.
purist Public archive
A Python URI shortener using the web.py framework, with sqlite3 and memcached for storage