ShareTube is a full-stack web application modeled after YouTube. It is built using Ruby on Rails, a Postgresql database, and React.js with a Redux framework on the frontend.
Videos are uploaded and stored using an attachment library called PaperClip
and Amazon Web Services(AWS). When a video page is accessed by a user, an asynchronous API call is made to the database, retrieving the video itself, its comments, other information regarding the video(title, description, etc). While the page begins rendering, the API call passes these new props into the VideoDetailContainer
, where the VideoDetail
component obtains its state information.
A custom video player was made using the standard HTML video element and React lifecycle method. A challenge I faced was writing the functionality behind the volume bar. Standard click handlers in React are only able to select the HTML element itself, but have limited access to the relative position of the click within the element.
On the backend, search is deployed using Pg_Search's pg_search_scope
search option within the Video model:
pg_search_scope :basic_search,
against: { title: 'A', description: 'B' },
using: {
dmetaphone: { any_word: true },
tsearch: { dictionary: "english", prefix: true },
trigram: { threshold: 0.1 }
The title
and description
columns are searched with title having a higher search priority. DMetaphone uses the fuzzystrmatch
Postgresql extension to match words based on phonemes. TSearch implements SQL's LIKE
functionality. Trigram uses 3-character substrings to match with the search query. basic_search
was used to filter videos to send back to the front end.
The filtering functionality that provides "hot", "recent", "liked" videos are controlled in the back end. Filtering is done using ActiveRecord/SQL methods to manipulate what videos are returned.
Several carousels were created for the home page using the nuka-carousel
Node Package. This allows for the animation of the carousel when toggling left and right.
Using the filter functionality in the backend, each carousel receives a different set of videos, which represents a different category. Furthermore, on the left dropdown menu, users can toggle through each category to display the category at the top of the list.
YouTube's site has channels with extensive information about a particular user's activity. User channels were implemented into ShareTube, allowing users to be able to see another user's profile, cover photo, and uploads.
With the features already implemented, I plan to continue working on the project with the following features.
An implementation I would like to explore is having a user history. My prospective approach to implementing history would be to create a polymorphic association with a history table, connecting with videos and users. Though potentially difficult, history opens many doors towards a more extensive app.
Part of what makes YouTube such a frequently visited site is its ability to offer recommendations to users. Usually, this is implemented using factors such as watch history, subscriptions, liked videos, etc. I plan to generate a simple relevance index that is able to used to generate recommendations to a user.
One of YouTube's recent additions was the playing of a GIF of the video when a user hovers over a thumbnail. Currently, my app uses PaperClip to autogenerate a thumbnail for the video. I would write a configuration for PaperClip to extract multiple thumbnails, create a GIF, and assign it to the video model.