A Node.JS wrapper for Tumblr's API v2.
The announcement in Russian of this module in my blog.
var Tumblr = require('tumblr').Tumblr;
var blog = new Tumblr('blog.tumblr.com', 'OAuth Consumer Key');
blog.text({limit: 2}, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
Tumblr = require('tumblr').Tumblr
blog = new Tumblr 'blog.tumblr.com', 'OAuth Consumer Key'
blog.text limit: 2, (error, response) ->
throw new Error error if error
console.log response.posts
npm install tumblr
- info (callback)
- posts ([options, ]callback)
- text ([options, ]callback)
- quote ([options, ]callback)
- link ([options, ]callback)
- answer ([options, ]callback)
- video ([options, ]callback)
- audio ([options, ]callback)
- photo ([options, ]callback)
- Alexey Simonenko, [email protected]