This repository contains the Web Portfolio for the hosted applications. The Web Portfolio is written in Vite within a NodeJS mail server. These services are designed to be integrated within a Docker Swarm instance to serve my personal web portfolio.
This web portfolio application runs an Nginx web server to host the static files and a Nodejs to handle SMTP messages within a Docker Swarm service.
- NodeJS
- Vite (React)
This web portfolio uses a NodeJS mail server which you must configured to send emails.
- Rename
and update APP_PORT, SMTP_HOST values as needed
# Node applicaiton port
# Mail server host
# Mail server port
and update EMAIL, EMAIL_PASS, FORWARDING_EMAIL values as needed# Sender's email address EMAIL="[email protected]" # Sender's Application Email Password EMAIL_PASS="mypassword" # Recipient's email address FORWARDING_EMAIL="[email protected]"
- Open a terminal shell and run
make start-server-dev
- Open a second terminal and run
make start-portfolio-dev
- Access web portfolio via
- Stop locally started app by press Ctrl + C within both terminals
- Build the mock server with
make build-mock-server
- Start mock server with
make start-mock-server
- Access web portfolio via
- Stop the mock server with
make stop-mock-server
NOTE: The above steps will simulate a remote server. An script will initialize Docker Swarm, create networks, secrets, configs, build images and start the web portfolio services. The application should be accessible via port 80.
- Update Portfolio VERSION or Mail Server VERSION
- Update Portfolio package.json or Mail Server package.json
- Update Porfolio or Mail Server