The SFML (simple and fast media library) port of the Arduino TVout library is intended for the purpose of making game development for the Arduino much easier and faster.
The SFML_TVout library is designed to work with Code::Blocks IDE and SFML 2.1. Both are available in either Windows or Linux. The example project in the SFML_TVout repository is intended to be compiled on Linux. You can open it on Code::Blocks for Windows, but before you can succesfully compile, you need to change the project build options to include things like MinGW - otherwise you will not have a working Windows program ! If you are a beginner, I strongly recommend you first install a working toolchain of Code::Blocks and SFML on your environment, then successfully compile an SFML example provided on the SFML site. AFTER you have a SFML example program compiled and running succesfully, THEN come back to this library. I will not provide any assistance ! All code is provided as-is, the author does not assume any liability over any hardship or damages that the software may cause you.
All copyrights of the software and its components are specified in individual source files, the project includes source code from various authors. If you are an author of the source code included in this project and do not wish your code to be included in the project (although I have complied with the adjoining licences to my understanding), please contact me jonnev (@t) and I will rectify the situation. WBR, jonne