Geocoder using the MapQuest Open Geocoding API Web Service.
var Geocoder = require('../../index');
var geocoder = new Geocoder('yourAppKeyHere');
'New York, USA',
'Kabul, Afghanistan',
'52.516815, 13.390421',
'Unter den Linden 17, Berlin, Germany'
], function(err, locations) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('locations received: ', locations.received);
console.log('locations rejected: ', locations.rejected);
.on('location:received', function(location){
console.log('location received: ', location);
.on('location:rejected', function(location){
console.log('location rejected: ', location);
.on('finished', function(locations){
console.log('locations received: ', locations.received);
console.log('locations rejected: ', locations.rejected);
Location was successfully geocoded and receivedlocation:rejected
Location got rejected, no resultfinished
Geocoding finished, includes all locations that were successfully geocoded and rejected
Geocodes a list of locations.
$ npm install
$ npm test