Retrofit.Net turns your REST API into a C# interface.
public interface IPeopleService
RestResponse<List<Person>> GetPeople();
RestResponse<Person> GetPerson([Path("id")] int id);
RestResponse<Person> GetPerson([Path("id")] int id, [Query("limit")] int limit, [Query("test")] string test);
RestResponse<Person> AddPerson([Body] TestRestCallsIntegration.Person person);
The RestAdapter class generates an implementation of the IPeopleService interface.
RestAdapter adapter = new RestAdapter("");
IPeopleService service = adapter.Create<IPeopleService>();
RestResponse<Person> personResponse = service.GetPerson(3, 100, "tsst");
Person person = personResponse.Data;
Each call on the generated PeopleService makes an HTTP request to the remote webserver. It returns a RestResponse, which is the same format as the responses from RestSharp.
Annotations are used to describe how to make each request.
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This library is heavily inspired by Retrofit ( )... I even stole the name!
RestSharp is used to do all the heavy lifting - this is essentially a Retrofit-style wrapper for Rest#.