fingerpoken is a web-based touchpad tool. No extra software is required on your ipad/itouch/iphone, just Safari.
There is also a server-side component that serves the web interface and acts on commands sent from that web interface.
- Mouse control:
- TiVo control:
gem install fingerpoken
# X11:
fingerpoken.rb -t xdo:///
fingerpoken.rb -t vnc://[email protected]/
# TiVo
fingerpoken.rb -t tivo://
Point your iphone, itouch, or another computer's browser at:
Touch away!
- iOS >=4.2 - iPhone, iPad, iTouch
- Google Chrome >= 5
- Palm-Pre/WebOS - no websockets, no touch events (maybe?)
- Android 2.2 - touch events don't work, websockets may not either.
- dragging a finger moves the mouse.
- tap clicks, 2-finger tap right-clicks, 3 finger-tap middle-clicks
- two-finger drag up/down scrolls
- double tap clicks twice, etc.
- tap-drag works like you might expect (select text, etc).
- arbitrary keyboard input (press the 'keyboard' button)
- X11 (via libxdo)
- VNC (via rubygem eventmachine-vnc)
- TiVo (no external dependencies)
- The 'config' button lets you change a few things:
- 'mouse movement' can be relative (normal touchpad), absolute positioning, and vector (start-point + current-point == mouse direction and speed)
- You can change the mouse sensitivity.
Options set in the UI will persist across sessions using HTML5 localStorage.
iPhone's 'secure websocket' support sucks, so I don't use that.
Instead, I use HMAC-MD5 to sign requests to the server. This requires a pre-shared key between your client and server.
Server: fingerpoken --passphrase "my passphrase"
Client: go into 'config' and enter the same passphrase.
To prevent replay attacks, part of the signature includes a sequence number. The server will reject any messages with a sequence number less than the previous one.
Note: This is only message signing to resist replay attacks and unauthorized control of fingerpoken server. It is not encryption.
- many other things.
- Better PC-as-a-client support (mousemovement, clicking, etc)
- Got suggestions?
- special keystroke input (control/shift/alt, function keys, page up/down, etc)
- client: an iphone or ipad running iOS >=4.2 (requires websocket support in safari)
- ruby
- rubygems: em-websocket, eventmachine, ffi, async_sinatra, json, rack
- For the xdo target: libxdo (from the xdotool project)
- For the vnc target: rubygem eventmachine-vnc
- For the tivo target: nothing.
- Linux, and X server. OS X and Windows support is probably easy.
- Run fingerpoken.rb
- Point your iphone browser at http://yourmachine:5000/
- Use your phone as a touchpad.
- xdo (X11): fingerpoken.rb -t xdo:///
- vnc: fingerpoken.rb -t vnc:///password@host:port/
- password is optional
- port defaults to 5900
- tivo: fingerpoken.rb -t tivo://yourtivoip:port
- default port is 31339
- TiVo control requires the mouse mode be 'vector' (tap on 'config' to change this)
- TiVo support also requires you enable the network remote control on your TiVo.
- Bookmark to home screen. Works from there, too.