Ruby and R scripts for performing sentiment analysis.
This utility performs one or more web searches, then calculates sentiment scores on the results. These scores can be reported per-result (e.g. 10-20 scores per search engine) or per-engine (e.g. the mean or median of the results). Output is in JSON by default, but can be pipe-delimited.
Supported search engines:
* Google News
* Google Finance
* Google Blog
* Yahoo News
* Yahoo Finance
* Yahoo InPlay
Usage: sentiment_for_symbol.rb TERM [...]
Perform sentiment analysis on a web query for keyword
Google Engines:
-b, --google-blog Include Google Blog search
-f, --google-finance Include Google Finance search
-n, --google-news Include Google News search
Yahoo Engines:
-F, --yahoo-finance Include Yahoo Finance search
-I, --yahoo-inplay Include Yahoo InPlay search
-N, --yahoo-news Include Yahoo News search
Summary Options:
-m, --median Calculate median
-M, --mean Calculate mean
Output Options:
-p, --pipe-delim Print pipe-delimited table output
-r, --raw Serialize output as a Hash, not an Array
Misc Options:
-h, --help Show help screen
# Output results for Google News search of 'Home Depot' and 'DeWalt'
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb 'Home Depot' 'DeWalt'
# Same, only results are in a pipe-delimited table
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -p 'Home Depot' 'DeWalt'
# Use Yahoo News for the query
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -N -p 'Home Depot' 'DeWalt'
# Use both Google News and Yahoo News for the query
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -N -n -p 'Home Depot' 'DeWalt'
# Use Google Finance for stock symbols MSFT, AAPL and GOOG
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -f -p MSFT AAPL GOOG
# Same, but report only the median value for each sentiment score
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -f -m -p MSFT AAPL GOOG
# Same, but report the mean value instead of the median
./sentiment_for_symbol.rb -f -M -p MSFT AAPL GOOG
###Sentiment Analysis
The R plugin used in this script is based on the [Lydia/TextMap] (http://www/textmap.com) system.
[TextMap Paper] (http://icwsm.org/papers/3--Godbole-Srinivasaiah-Skiena.pdf)
[Presentation for tm.plugins.sentiment] (http://statmath.wu.ac.at/courses/SNLP/Presentations/DA-Sentiment.pdf)
The system calculates the following metrics:
p - n / p + n
diff of positive/negative sentiment refs / total num of sentiment refs
p + n / N
total num of sentiment references / total num of references
p / N
total num of positive sentiment references / total num of references
n / N
total num of negative sentiment references / total num of references
p - n / N
num positive references / total num of references
- [R] (http://www.r-project.org/)
- R package [tm.plugins.webmining] (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tm.plugin.webmining/index.html)
- R package [tm.plugins.sentiment] (https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=1048)
- [rsruby] (https://github.com/alexgutteridge/rsruby)
* Twitter, Reuters, and NY Times are disabled
* Yahoo Finance appears to be broken in tm.plugins.webmining
* Installling rsruby can be tricky. Here is an example, using RVM
on a Linux system:
sudo rvm all do gem install rsruby -- --with-R-home=/usr/lib/R --with-R-include=/usr/share/R/include