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josephwilk committed Mar 3, 2017
1 parent 13121bd commit 8c3a526
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 38 deletions.
134 changes: 96 additions & 38 deletions src/functions_as_patterns/klipse.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,50 +1,108 @@
(ns functions-as-patterns.klipse)

(def rect-size 70)
(def rect-start 70)
(def stroke-size 2)

(def canvas-id (atom "canvas-1"))
(def all-hues ["#EE5C96" "#EE5F5C" "#EE9C5C" "#EED85C" "#C7EE5C" "#8AEE5C"
"#5CEE6B" "#5CEEA8" "#5CEEE5" "#5CBAEE" "#5C7EEE" "#775CEE" "#B45CEE"
"#EE5CEB" "#EE5CAE" "#EE5C71" "#EE835C" "#EEC05C" "#DFEE5C" "#A2EE5C"
"#65EE5C" "#5CEE8F" "#5CEECC" "#5CD3EE" "#5C96EE" "#5F5CEE" "#9C5CEE"
"#D95CEE" "#EE5CC7" "#EE5C8A" "#EE6B5C" "#EEA85C" "#EEE55C" "#BAEE5C"])

(def blank-color "#663477")
(def highlight-color "#EE5C96")
(def stroke-color "#111111")
(def text-color "#ffffff")
(def darker-highlight-color "#3A396C")

(defn container-color [depth] "#663477")

(defn- no-of-leaf-nodes [col]
(if (sequential? col)
(count (flatten col))

(defn- fill-round-rect!
([image x y w h colour]
(set! (.-fillStyle image) colour)
(doto image
(.rect x y w h)
(.fill) )))

(defn- find-color [color-lookup v] (get color-lookup v v))

(defn- paint-stroked-rectangle! [img color-lookup seq-value posx posy rect-w rect-h]
(let [x (+ posx stroke-size)
y (+ posy stroke-size)
w (- rect-w stroke-size)
h (- rect-h (* 2 stroke-size))
color (find-color color-lookup seq-value)]

(fill-round-rect! img
posx posy
(+ w (* 2 stroke-size)) (+ (* 2 stroke-size) h)
(fill-round-rect! img
x y
w h
;; debug
(draw-chars! img (str posx) x y w h text-color))))

(defn- leaf? [node] (not (sequential? node)))
(defn- children? [node] (sequential? node))

(defn- paint-rectangle! [img color-lookup color rect-size depth x-offset]
(let [y-offset (/ (- rect-start rect-size) 2)]
(if (leaf? color)
(paint-stroked-rectangle! img color-lookup color x-offset y-offset rect-size rect-size)
(let [width (* (no-of-leaf-nodes color) (/ rect-size 2) )]
(paint-stroked-rectangle! img color-lookup (container-color depth) x-offset y-offset width rect-size)))))

(defn- paint-all! [img color-lookup rect-size x-offset depth]
(fn [parent-indent [idx color]]
(paint-rectangle! img color-lookup color rect-size depth parent-indent)

(if (children? color)
(let [new-rect-size (/ rect-size 2)
indent (/ new-rect-size 2)]
(paint-all! img color-lookup new-rect-size parent-indent (inc depth))
(+ indent parent-indent)
(map vector (range) color))))
(+ parent-indent rect-size)

(defn color-map [args]
(let [all-args (flatten (remove (fn [a] (sequential? a)) args))
colors (reduce (fn [acc [idx v]]
(assoc acc v (get acc v (nth all-hues idx))))
(map vector (range) all-args))]

(def square-size 50)
(def indent (/ square-size 2))
(def stroke-size 4)

(defn view [row]
(let [canvas (js/document.getElementById @canvas-id)
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
canvas-width (.-width canvas)
canvas-height (.-height canvas)
height 2]
(.clearRect ctx 0 0 canvas-width canvas-height)
(when (and (sequential? row) (seq row))
(let [width (count row)
color-lookup (color-map (vec row))
cell-width square-size
cell-height square-size]
(set! (.. canvas -width) (* square-size (inc (count row))))
(set! (.. canvas -style -width) (* square-size (inc (count row))))
(let [all-args (->> args flatten (remove (fn [a] (sequential? a))))
colors (reduce (fn [acc [idx v]]
(assoc acc v (get acc v (nth all-hues idx))))
(map vector (range) all-args))]

(defn view [data]
(let [color-lookup (color-map data)
canvas (js/document.getElementById @canvas-id)
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
canvas-width (.-width canvas)
canvas-height (.-height canvas)
total-cells (no-of-leaf-nodes data)
new-width (+ (* total-cells rect-size) stroke-size)
new-height rect-size]
(.clearRect ctx 0 0 canvas-width canvas-height)
(loop [x 0]
(let [active-color (get color-lookup (nth row x) "#CCC")]
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) active-color)
(set! (.-lineWidth ctx) stroke-size)
(set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "black")
(doto ctx
(.rect (+ indent (* x cell-width)) (/ cell-height 2) cell-width cell-height)
(.strokeRect (+ indent (* x cell-width)) (/ cell-height 2) cell-width cell-height))
(when (< (inc x) width) (recur (inc x)))
(set! (.. canvas -width) new-width)
(set! (.. canvas -style -width) new-width)
(set! (.. canvas -height) new-height)
(set! (.. canvas -style -height) new-height)
(reduce (paint-all! ctx color-lookup rect-size 0 0)
(map vector (range) data)))

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