These are the various config files I have to setup a system the way I want it. Special thanks to, which is the original repo from which this is forked.
git clone git://
Install all the brews, taps, and casks:
brew tap homebrew/bundle brew bundle
Install vundle:
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Configure vim:
cd ~ mkdir .vim .vim/bundle .vim/backup .vim/swap .vim/cache .vim/undo; git clone .vim/bundle/vundle vim # Run the following command in vim :BundleInstall
Now restart Vim
Install my Keybase key.
# Export the key to stdout keybase pgp export --secret # On another machine, import the key from the given file keybase pgp import --infile /path/to/that/file.pgp
Install VS Code for Mac
Install Docker for Mac
Install Google Drive for Mac
Install Golang for Mac
- Install Go into
- Install Go into
Install Transmit
Install Balsamiq
Install Kindle
Install various apps from the Mac App Store:
- BetterSnap
- DayOne classic
- Pixelmator
- SiteSucker
Install Anki
Install 1Password
Install Office 365
- Install gruntcreds.