- welcome folks thanks for coming sit down lets get to it
- we don't have a ton of time
- I wish we did to ponder this that and everything but we simply dont
- 20 minutes isnt enough time to make a baked Alaska (or some other famously quick thing - todo google food recipes)
- but it IS enough time to introduce the Spring and Azure technologies and the opportunities that they provide us and see those technologies deployed to production (something like that)
- start.spring.io create a new projpect using java 8 called greetings-service
- SQL server is one of the most powerful databases in the world; tons of features and -best of all - Microsoft will run it for you
- support s reactive variant as well
- now of course you could run your own SQ server the Real power comes in something like cosmosdb
- bytes are data too! Azure objet storage is awesome
- and of course sometimes I wanna tell other folks in the system about my data. This is what messaging is for. Martin fowler wrote a nice blog introducing four types of messaging
- and now that weve got a singing dancing Spring app in less than 160 lines of code, lets get this thing to production!
- Azure portal and go!
service-bus.connection-string=${AZURE_SERVICE_BUS_CONNECTION_STRING} spring.cloud.azure.servicebus.connection-string=${service-bus.connection-string} spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.destination=messages-queue spring.cloud.stream.bindings.output.destination=messages-queue
azure.storage.account-name=bootifulstorage azure.storage.container-name=cats azure.storage.account-key=${AZURE_OBJECT_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY}
spring.datasource.password=${AZURE_SQL_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD} spring.datasource.url=${AZURE_SQL_SERVER_DB_URL} spring.datasource.username=bootiful-admin
spring.data.mongodb.database=bootiful-cosmosdb spring.data.mongodb.uri=${AZURE_COSMOS_DB_MONGO_URL}
-- drop table CUSTOMERS ; if not exists( select name from sys.tables where LOWER(name) = 'customers' ) CREATE TABLE CUSTOMERS ( id int IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) not null ); go
mvn clean package az spring-cloud app deploy -n greetings-service --jar-path target/greetings-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar