The Traditional Max Software Development Kit contains the API (headers, source, libraries) for building external objects (plug-ins) in C or C++ for Max. It additionally includes documentation of the API, example projects, and CMake scripts for generating Xcode and Visual Studio project files.
The SDK is structured as a Max package. Simply place the SDK in your Max 8/Packages
folder to begin working.
The repository contains one submodule, max-sdk-base, that provides the low-level bindings to the Max application and CMake scripts for creating your own projects.
With the 8.2 update several aspects of the Max-SDK were changed in order to support Apple silicon and CMake project generation. For details on this change and steps to get started with CMake please see the 8.2 update readme or the Max 8.2 SDK Update Overview video.
If you are interested in using Modern C++ to write external objects, please take a look at the Min DevKit.
It is highly recommended that you test your code thoroughly. One option is use the max-test package.
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