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JZTREES is a set of tools for SideFX Houdini designed to ease the workflow for generating and applying FX to trees and vegetation.
To support the continued development and ease my wife’s pain of me talking constantly about trees. Please Donate bellow.
To view the future development Roadmap of JZTrees, follow the trello board here: https://trello.com/b/bKcqHstM/jztrees-development-roadmap
License Types:
Apprentice or Indie. (no FX at this time).
JZTREES requires Houdini 18.5. Any version before 18.5 will not support procedural wind.
Downloading JZTREES
Using gitclone download this repository to chosen location on your harddrive or shared network.
Download the zip from the repository then unzip the contents of JZTREES onto a chosen location on your hardrive or shared network. E.g. C://
NOTE: It is not reccomended to put JZTREES in your home houdini folder.
Installing JZTrees
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPHrA2YlDMw for a video tutorial on how to install JZTrees
or read the instructions below:
In the JZTREES root there is a .json file which is used to point houdini towards where the toolkit is located.
- Open the .json file in a text editor and adjust the variable "JZTREES" to match the location you have placed the toolkit.
E.g._ "JZTREES": "C:\Users\joshu\Documents\houdini_plugins\JZTREES",_
- Open you houdini home folder. E.g. /houdini18.5. Following create a 'packages' folder in this location.
If you already have a packages folder skip this step.
copy the .json file into the 'packages' folder.
To test the toolkit has installed correctly open houdini, go into a GEO node and try creating a JZTREE SOP. E.g JZT_Trunkgen
Success! enjoy using JZTrees
Modelling tools to generate trees and vegetation
JZT-TrunkGen - Generates Trunks
JzT-BranchGen - Generates Branches / fonds
JZT-LeafGen - Generates leaves
JZT-LeafInstancer - Instances geometry on to the tree
JZT-DetailGash - Tree Detail Generation for knots / gashes
JZT-CutterGen - Generates Cutter Geometry to input into the fracturing modifier
JZT-Skeleton - Converts the tree splines into a kinefx rig
JZT-Wind - Generates procedural wind on the kinefx skeleton
JZT-Growth - Animates the kinefx skeleton to grow
JZT_WireSkeleton - Prepares the kinefx Skeleton for a wire simulation
JZT_AnimTransfer - Transfers animation (e.g. Wire simulation) back onto the kinefx rig and computes transforms.
JZT-SKINNING - Applies skeleton animation to geometry and leaves.
JZT-FRACTURING - Fractures geometry and prepares constants for bullet simulation.
JZT-Fern - Example file of a Fern
JZT-PalmTree - Example file of a Palmtree
JZT-GumTree - example file of a Birchtree
JZT-ChristmasTree - example file of a Pinetree
JZT-WIRESIM - example file of how to setup a wire simulation with the skeleton. (Part of the GumTree)
JZT-BULLETSIM - example file of how to setup a deforming bulled simulation. (Part of the GumTree)