Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Terragrunt HCL files providing convenience features for Terragrunt configuration files in Visual Studio Code. Install it from vscode marketplace or search "Terragrunt Language Server" in vscode extensions panel.
This extension is under active development and new features are being added regularly. Please report any issues or feature requests in the GitHub repository. 🚀🚀🚀
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Visualize the dependency tree of Terragrunt configuration files 🚀
Display output variables in the dependency tree 🚀
Right-click in the editor and select "Show Terragrunt Dependency Tree" to view the dependency tree of the workspace.
- Real-time error detection and diagnostics as you type
- Incremental document parsing for better performance
- Syntax highlighting for Terragrunt configuration files
- Document links for easy navigation
- Context-aware code completions
- Trigger completions automatically after typing '.', '=', or space
- Hover information for detailed documentation and type information with examples
- Locals and variables completions 🚀
- Output variables completions based on terraform state 🚀
- Full support for document lifecycle (open, change, close)
- Maintains parsed document state for quick access
- Workspace-aware language support
- Detailed diagnostic messages for syntax and semantic errors
- Real-time error updates as you edit
- Incremental text document synchronization
- Efficient caching of parsed documents
- Optimized for large files and frequent updates
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd tg-hcl-lsp
Install dependencies:
npm install
Build the VS Code extension:
npm run compile code .
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Thanks to the Terragrunt community for inspiration and use cases. Special thanks to rtizzy on github for reminding me to build this extension. Also thanks to and-win, gsouf, lucalooz, jonath92 for filing issues and feature requests.