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JOYCO Logo  JOYCO Transitions


Plug & Play page transitions for React Router. See it in action in our demo page.

pnpm add @joycostudio/transitions

📖 Documentation

Core Components


The main component responsible for managing route transitions. It wraps your route content and handles all transition states.

    default: async (node) => {
      // Your enter animation
    default: async (node) => {
      // Your exit animation
  {(nodeRef) => <div ref={nodeRef}>{/* Your route content */}</div>}


  • children: Function that receives a ref to be attached to your route content
  • pathname: Current route pathname
  • mode: Transition mode ('out-in' | 'in-out')
  • onEnter: Record of enter animations by route or default
  • onExit: Record of exit animations by route or default
  • onEntering: Optional callbacks when entering starts
  • onEntered: Optional callbacks when entering completes
  • onExiting: Optional callbacks when exiting starts
  • onExited: Optional callbacks when exiting completes
  • appear: Whether to animate on first render
  • routes: Array of route configurations


A utility component that adds a data-transition-state attribute to the document root, useful for controlling UI elements during transitions.

<DocumentTransitionState />

✨ TIP | Lock links while transitioning

If you use the <DocumentTransitionState /> component. It will attach a data-transition-state to the document's root. You can use it to disable all the links while the page is transitioning to make the experience feel more controlled.

/* Disable links during transitions */
html:not([data-transition-state='idle']) a {
  pointer-events: none;



Returns a frozen version of the loader data to prevent data changes during transitions.

const data = usePreservedLoaderData<YourDataType>()


Returns the current transition state and helper flags.

const {
  state, // 'entering' | 'exiting' | 'idle'
  isEntering, // boolean
  isExiting, // boolean
  isIdle, // boolean
} = useTransitionState()

🤖 Automatic Workflows

This template comes with two GitHub Actions workflows (currently disabled for convenience):

  1. Release Workflow (.github/workflows/release.yml): Automates the release process using Changesets. When enabled, it will automatically create release pull requests and publish to npm when changes are pushed to the main branch.

  2. Publish Any Commit (.github/workflows/publish-any-commit.yml): A utility workflow that can build and publish packages for any commit or pull request.

🦋 Version Management

This library uses Changesets to manage versions and publish releases. Here's how to use it:

Adding a changeset

When you make changes that need to be released:

pnpm changeset

This will prompt you to:

  1. Select which packages you want to include in the changeset
  2. Choose whether it's a major/minor/patch bump
  3. Provide a summary of the changes

Creating a release

To create a new version and update the changelog:

# 1. Create new versions of packages
pnpm version:package

# 2. Release (builds and publishes to npm)
pnpm release

Remember to commit all changes after creating a release.