A device for bringing your distant friends a little nearer.
Use docker to run anywhere:
docker run --env-file .env --network host ghcr.io/jphastings/jan-poka:latest
NB. You must run attached to the host network, as this service uses Bonjour service discovery, so needs to know its network-visible IP address.
(Assuming that you have appropriate environment variables in a file called .env
While executing:
$ENV_VAR | Functionality |
$JP_HOMELATITUDE | The latitude of where the device is. |
$JP_HOMELONGITUDE | The longitude of where the device is. |
$JP_HOMEALTITUDE | The altitude of where the device is. |
$JP_MQTTPORT | The port to run the MQTT broker on. |
$JP_USEAUDIO | Allows audio playing — used by text-to-speech. (Requires libasound2-dev on Linux) |
While building:
build tag | Functionality |
libnova | Allows celestial body location (Requires libnova) |