- Boulder, CO
- www.rehabpath.com
- @jeffpowell
playing around with twitter bootstrap
A generic port of TextMate's Find-In-Project, with associated MacVim plugin
Working exercise files for the Pragmatic Programmers new RSpec/BDD book
Collection of essential configuration files for irb, zsh, bash, etc
Simply Agile is a Scrum-like project management tool
Screw Rails Engines! Why not install a Warp Drive! Completely bundle up an ENTIRE Rails application into a gem, then load it into another application! It's that easy!
A much better GetBundles bundle for Textmate (pulls from official Textmate repo, Textmate 'review' repo and Github)
jerodsanto / rack-noie6
Forked from juliocesar/rack-noieA Rack middleware to redirect (*cough* kick) IE6 users out of your website
A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
A library of neat Rails application templates.
Real-time visualization of server traffic, events and statistics with Ruby, SSH and OpenGL
A collection of useful Rails generator scripts.
adamwiggins / rest-client
Forked from rest-client/rest-clientSimple REST client for Ruby, inspired by microframework syntax for specifying actions. Official fork is now at:
El Dorado is a full-stack community web application written in Ruby/Rails.