Full Stack developer diving deep into TypeScript, React, Next.js, React Native, Node and Ruby on Rails. While initially started my programming journey with backend development, later I switched to frontend development, exploring both sides successfully.
With a diverse background - including a degree in Communcation and marketing, and the experience of owning a business in the hospitality industry - I bring a distinctive perspective to the table. This experience has allowed me to understand the importance of strategic design for user engagement and the impact of technology on businesses.
I really like to create beautiful and functional web applications that resonates with the intended audience, and I am looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow.
I'm actively looking for a Frontend or Fullstack role. At the moment, I'm working with languages such as TypeScript, using React, but also have great interest in expading my skill set to other languages and frameworks.
I am deeply dedicated to programming and am thrilled to continue my journey in the tech industry. My goal is to join a team where I can grow and learn from others, while also contributing with my own knowledge and experiences.
- "Web Development Course at Ironhack Berlin, August.2024"
- "Understanding TypeScript by Maximilian Schwarzermüller May.2024"
- "Next JS and OpenAI, by John Smilga, March.2024"
- "Next JS: The Complete Developer's Guide" by Stephen Grider on Udemy, March.2024"
- "The Ultimate React Course 2024" by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy, finished in February.2024
- "The Complete JavaScript Course 2023" by Jonas Schmedtmann on Udemy, finished in October.2023
- "Full Stack Web Development bootcamp at Le Wagon Berlin, April 2023"
- 🌍 I'm based in Berlin, Germany
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🚀 I'm currently working on Lofft
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on diverse projects
- ⚡ Good at the gym, great at videogames, awesome at the kitchen.