A collection of tools to work on and with Gog.com
The Python scripts:
- gogtools - game-id-retriever
- gogtools - version-detector-and-retriever
.. work on windows, linux, and osx and require only Python3 and python-requests
no other magic involved.
The Javascript:
- whatitsworth.js
.. works on every browser as a Greasemonkey, ViolentMonkey, or Tampermonkey userscript.
A python script which has a console interface to search Gog.com for games, dlc and packs. This tools was made in reason that some of the version file, used by gogtools-version detector.py do not always provide a game id which is used to distinguish games and other contents of Gog.com
The script provides a search interface and allows to store game information in a file, currently gt-gid.json
- as of time of writing, the version detector.py is able to use this file to supplement game information for online retrieval of the version.
A windows, linux, and osx Python script which attempts to identify and list the versions of installed Gog games and DLC, as well as an option to compare versions online at Gog.com
Also now supports HTML output using "-w" parameter. And display of optional URLS for console and HTML output.
More information can be found in the readme of gogtools - version-detector-and-retriever.
A userscript for Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey and other userscript addons.
This script can read out the order page details inside the browser if the order history page is opened and you are logged in to Gog. It collects the details of each order item in a json store variable like id and price paid and discounted price and percent.
In addition a summary of total paid, average paid, average discount, and other stats are shown inside the developer console of the browser.
More information can be found here.