- chile
- jsavargas.com
Exploit tool to validate CVE-2024-24919 vulnerability on Checkpoint Firewall VPNs
This cheatsheet is built for the Bug Bounty Hunters and penetration testers in order to help them hunt the vulnerabilities from P4 to P1 solely and completely with "BurpSuite".
Collection of handy online tools for developers, with great UX.
An open source and lightweight music client for Subsonic, designed and built natively for Android.
CallMeBruce / nightwalker
Forked from repslet/nightwalkerA dark but not black qBittorrent WebUI
A Work in Progress fork
Curso para aprender a trabajar con el sistema de control de versiones Git y la plataforma GitHub desde cero y para principiantes.
Twitch VOD/Clip Downloader - Chat Download/Render/Replay
Curso para aprender el lenguaje de programación Python desde cero y para principiantes. 100 clases, 44 horas en vídeo, código, proyectos y grupo de chat. Fundamentos, frontend, backend, testing, IA...
Automatically spawn a reverse shell fully interactive for Linux or Windows victim
Install extra packages for advanced users.
A kindle periodical util in python 3 for generating kindle .mobi files in periodical style.
Generador de diccionarios de RUTs Chilenos válidos V2.1
Propuesta de Nueva Constitución para Chile en otros formatos.
A user-friendly GUI for the ZSpotify music downloader.
kapitainsky / RcloneBrowser
Forked from DinCahill/RcloneBrowserSimple cross platform GUI for rclone. Supports macOS, GNU/Linux, BSD family and Windows.
Telegram Bot on a Telethon client that auto downloads incoming media files. (cryptg included to speed up downloads)
Telegram Bot on a Telethon client that auto downloads incoming media files.
Bot to quickly create transactions in Firefly III