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An OER management API, very new and unstable.

The name is a palindrome made by combining OER (Open Educational Resource) and oreo. It is an API build with Rails and an AngularJS app.

It is documented and running on Heroku.


The client is still pretty rough around the edges, it uses HTTP Basic for authentication, and you can only edit your own resources so you will get an alert when you try to do any unsafe actions on other resources.


At the root / there is an AngularJS application that uses the API

At /developers you can register to get a key to use the API in your own app.

At /admin an administrator can manage the database.


Set up the database

Here is an invaluable screencast on migrating to PostgreSQL

# install postgres
brew install postgresql

# initialize the database cluster
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres

# start the database server
# this is the only one you need to run again if you restart your computer
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log

# create the postgres user
createuser -s -r postgres

# let rails create the databases
rake db:create:all

# and apply the migrations
rake db:migrate

All done!

To interact with the database, run rails db.


Don't forget to start the database server, if you get a PG::ConnectionBad error, you should run this command again to start the database.

pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log

The seeds.rb contains some simple to remember and valid credentials that you can use in development:


  • access_token: access_token



Dummy content

You can also dump a bunch of data into the database to play with by running:

rake oereo:dummy_data


Using Heroku, run:

git push heroku master

heroku run rake db:migrate

Note that there are no production settings in database.yml, Heroku will set these up automatically.

Don't forget to update the documentation


To get the assets working on heroku I had to enable these in config/environments/production.rb

# these are to make the assets load properly
config.serve_static_assets = true
config.assets.compile = true

# this is so that the javascript compression doesn't screw up angulars dependency injection
config.assets.js_compressor = => false)

Heroku does not allow dropping a database, so things like rake db:reset will not work, instead you can run:

heroku pg:reset


There is an admin interface at /admin.

If resetting the database or deploying for the first time it will have one single superuser:

Don't forget to delete this and create a proper superuser.*


Make sure the db is prepared:

# make sure the db exists
rake db:create:all

# mirror the migrations in the testing database
rake db:test:clone

To run the tests:

bundle exec rspec

To run the tests automatically on filesave:


There are a few helpers in spec/support that you need to check out to understand the tests.

To run the javascript tests:

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake spec:javascript


Never change the gh-pages branch by hand.

The documentation is written in Markdown in the docs/ folder.

That folder is used to generate a documentation site with MkDocs and served by Github Pages. To update the docs simply update the content of the docs/ folder and publish the changes like this:

# install mkdocs and ghp-import if they're not already installed
pip install mkdocs ghp-import

# while working you can serve the documentation site dynamically with
mkdocs serve

# build the documentation site
mkdocs build

# push it to the gh-pages branch
ghp-import -p site

Changes made to API

The API was built before the SPA, here are the changes to the API I had to make for it to work:

  • Add a meta object with more pagination info in /api/resources
  • Implemented filtering
  • Switched to Postgres array type for tagging because it made it much easier to filter