Vue3 + Pinia 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile
Vue large screen adaptive component vue大屏自适应组件
🔥🔥🔥Flexible and useful UVC camera engine on Android platform, supporting multi-road cameras!
A React Native component to access to UVC web camera on non-rooted Android device
CameraRoll is a react-native native module that provides access to the local camera roll or photo library.
A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
React Native Cross-Platform WebView
🔥 基于 Laravel 的后台系统构建工具 (Laravel Admin),使用很少的代码快速构建一个功能完善的高颜值后台系统,内置丰富的后台常用组件,开箱即用,让开发者告别冗杂的HTML代码
Android串口通信SDK,由 Google 串口通信库进行封装,可同时打开多个串口,快速接入。并扩展支持设置 su 路径、串口路径、波特率、校验位、数据位、停止位
😱 A better fetch API. Works on node, browser and workers.
Fork自Google开源的Android串口通信Demo,修改成Android Studio项目
joltup / rn-fetch-blob
Forked from wkh237/react-native-fetch-blobA project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.
A <LinearGradient /> component for react-native
🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)
Tag/word cloud component for react
iOS CallKit framework and Android ConnectionService for React Native
Mobile-first, accessible components for React Native & Web to build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web.
A repo about web server with gin framwork.
demo of PHP development env build by docker-compose. Docker化的PHP开发环境。( nginx + mysql + redis + php-fpm )