Easily route a resource's crud methods to express apps!
##Example Here's a User resource that exposes some CRUD methods:
module.exports = {
create: function(query, model, cb){
cb(null, ["create"]); //first argument is response status, second is array of response data
delete: function(id, query, cb){},
read: function(query, cb){},
readById: function(id, query, cb){},
update: function(id, query, model, cb){}
Here's how you add the routes to your express app:
var app = require('express')();
var User = require('./models/User');
app.crud('users', User);
Here's how you add the routes to your express app using a formatted response object:
var app = require('express')();
var User = require('./models/User');
var opts = {
formatResponse: function(result) {
return {
timestamp: Date.now(),
payload: result
require('express-crud')(app, opts);
app.crud('users', User);
Now your express app has the following routes:
DELETE /users/:id
GET /users
GET /users/:id
POST /users
PUT /users/:id
You can change the param name by specifying it at the end of your route:
app.crud('users/:userId', User);
Now your express app has the following routes:
DELETE /users/:userId
GET /users
GET /users/:userId
POST /users
PUT /users/:userId
###With some middleware
var authorizeMiddleware = function(req, res, next){//arity matters!
if(req.query.username !== 'foo')return next(new Error('user not foo!'));
var fooMiddleware = function(req, res, next){next();};
app.crud('users', authorizeMiddleware, fooMiddleware, User);
app.crud('settings/:settingId', authorizeMiddleware, function(req, res, next){
//ensure that the resource get's the username.
req.query.username = req.user.name;
}, SettingsResource);
app.crud('/any/old/path/for/users', User);
When you call the callback given to resource methods without an error object as the
first arg, express-crud
will use either 204
or 200
depending on the context.
If you wish to pass a non 2xx
status code up to your application the preferred
way is to assign a status
property to your error
object I.E. cb({status: 404})
Starting with [email protected]
, body-parser
isn't active by default. See #16 for a working example with the body-parser