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Distributed Docker (ddocker)

To manage multiple machines docker, we implemented simple and light-weight version of distributed docker.

It supports commited image sharing between machines and creates container on a machine having available resource.


  • Install nvidia-docker on every machine.
  • Install netstat on every machine to search available port number for allocation to containers.


  • git clone this repository.
  • Write info.json based on info_template.json
    • master and workers information
    • instance type that want to use
      • The type value format is [cpu num, memory size(GB), 'gpu_model1,gpu_model2']
    • The number of CPU and memory size in buffer are not used anytime.
    • Port number is allocated from start_port_num.
    • Additional options to create container can be added in additional_options like shared volumn.


    "12 CPUS, 64 GB": [12, 64, ""],
    "12 CPUS, 64 GB, 1 TITAN XP": [12, 64, "TITAN Xp"],
    "24 CPUS, 128 GB, 2 TITAN XP": [24, 128, "TITAN Xp,TITAN Xp"],

    "cpu": 5,
    "mem": 10

  "start_port_num": 25000,

    "-v /home/jsikyoon:/home/jsikyoon"
  • Install by python
    • does
      • Sharing public keys
      • Merging the images on master
        • It requires that every image name is distinct.
      • Checking containers
        • Every container need to be removed before starting.
  • Add the installed location to PATH export PATH=<ddocker_LOCATION>:$PATH export DIST_DOCKER_PATH=<ddocker_LOCATION>
  • If you are user, please ask administrator to share authorized_keys to connect other machines.
  • If you want to usr ddocker on other machines including master or one of workers, please do
    • Git clone this repository
    • Copy info.json from where you installed
    • Copy authorized_keys to connect
    • Add the location to PATH export PATH=<ddocker_LOCATION>:$PATH export DIST_DOCKER_PATH=<ddocker_LOCATION>


  • It doesn't cover every command of docker, but we tried out to implement the useful commands for ML developments.
$ddocker --help

Usage: ddocker COMMAND [ARGUMENTS]

  ddocker ps                                      List-up running containers
  ddocker ps [-a,--all]                           List-up every container
  ddocker images                                  List-up images
  ddocker inspect <CONTAINER_NAME>                Container details
  ddocker exec <CONTAINER_NAME>                   Access in container
  ddocker start <CONTAINER_NAME>                  Start container
  ddocker stop <CONTAINER_NAME>                   Stop container
  ddocker rm <CONTAINER_NAME>                     Remove container
  ddocker rmi <IMAGE_NAME>                        Remove image
  ddocker nvidia-smi <HOST_NAME>                  Show GPU usage
  ddocker create                                  Create/start container with selected types
  ddocker commit <CONTAINER_NAME> <IMAGE_NAME>    Commit container
  • Almost commands on above list work similar to docker, but create makes container by searching not used resources on the cluster. Bellowed is an example.
$ddocker create
Service types.
0 : 12 CPUS, 64 GB
1 : 12 CPUS, 64 GB, 1 TITAN XP
2 : 24 CPUS, 128 GB, 1 TITAN XP
3 : 24 CPUS, 128 GB, 2 TITAN XP
Select one of types (default: 0): 
Input the number of ports (default: 1): 
Docker Images.
0 : ubuntu:latest
1 : python3_cuda:latest
2 : nvidia/cuda:10.2-base
Select one of types (default: 0): 1
Input Container name (default: jsikyoon_20200530-003533): abc
Start to create
Successfully created!
  • ddocker ps -a example
$ddocker ps -a
NAME   PORT                       IMAGE                 CREATED             HOST        TYPE              RUNNING   
abc>25000/tcp   python3_cuda:latest   20-05-29T15:35:39   jsik-server 12 cpus,64g mem   True


Any feedback is welcome! If you have an issue, please don't hesitate to make issue on this repository.


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