- Roadmap! New readers probably start here
- Written for Signal-Server v9.81.0
- Documented with a Debian / Ubuntu EC2 instance in mind
(v3.8.6 or newer)- If on Debian, you may need to manually install a newer version
Signal-Server needs to be ran in an AWS EC2 instance for it to function. While you can configure locally and scp
your files into the instance, this is a pain
- Create an account with AWS, then follow these sections about making an EC2 instance and associating an elastic ip
git clone https://github.com/jtof-dev/Signal-Server.git
cd Signal-Server/scripts
# now choose surgery-compiler.sh or main-compiler.sh, though surgery-compiler is the one that will work currently
bash surgery-compiler.sh
Using the scripted compilers are recommended to ensure that the server is in the correct configuration (with or without zkgroup
- If you want to pull from signalapp's repo, you can run
git clone https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Server
(mileage may vary on configuring a newer version), and if you want to specify v9.81.0, also rungit checkout 9c93d37
Then compile with:
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -Pexclude-spam-filter
Which uses the maven build script that comes bundled with Signal-Server. You can also install your own instance of maven and build using that:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pexclude-spam-filter
This removes
(originally called from libsignal) which will let the server start -
, comment out lines 639, 739-40, 773-777 -
Alternatively, copy the
file from either the folderintact
to either include or removezkgroup
- Any configuration notes related to these two
files are located here
Note: this is only for docker containers bundled in Signal-Server
, there are some other docker dependencies - check out Other Self-Hosted Services
In order to for the redis-cluster to successfully start, it has to start without any modifications to the source docker-compose.yml
The easy way
cd scripts
bash docker-compose-first-run.sh
Note: this will delete any existing redis-cluster volumes generated in the Signal-Server
Check out this README in Signal-Docker
Make sure you configure the repo for quickstart.sh
cd scripts
bash quickstart.sh
Call your environmental variables (if not in .bashrc
Make sure your AWS environmental variables are sorted out
Run redis:
sudo docker-compose up -d
Start the server with:
java -jar -Dsecrets.bundle.filename=service/config/sample-secrets-bundle.yml service/target/TextSecureServer-9.81.0.jar server service/config/sample.yml
To ping the server, try this command (or any of the ones listed when starting the server)
When running Signal-Server in a Docker container, replace port 8080
with port 7006
Once you get the server running without errors in EC2, there are a couple other services you need to set up
NGINX and Certbot to handle SSL certificates
- NGINX needs to be done first to generate certificates which will be used while configuring
- NGINX needs to be done first to generate certificates which will be used while configuring
Signalapp's registration-service to handle registering phone numbers
The recloner.sh bash script moves the folder personal-config up one level outside of Signal-Server
, then reclones from this repository
- This is useful when a compilation fails, but hopefully everything is streamlined so you don't run into this (usually you can just
git pull
and call it a day)
cd scripts
bash recloner.sh
- Check out jtof-dev/Signal-Android!
Make EC2 role and policy narrower
Make the account crawler wait longer between runs
Fix the redis-cluster error (doesn't show up every time but it complains about null values)
- Write scripts for AWS / Google Cloud cli