A low latency, high framerate screen sharing server for Windows and client for browsers
a simple loadingview for android with animation
📈 A responsive, composable react charting library with a hand-drawn style.
A demo of Android screen recorder, no root but SDK version should more than Android 5.0 API 21.
A Node.js implementation of RTMP/HTTP-FLV Media Server
免费组件:简单、高效、稳定、免费的一款标准RTSP/RTP协议直播推送库,支持将H.264/H.265/G.711/G.726/AAC等音视频数据推送到RTSP流媒体服务器(例如EasyDarwin)进行低延时直播或者视频通信,支持Windows、Linux、ARM、Android、iOS等平台,EasyPusher配套EasyDarwin流媒体服务器、EasyPlayer RTSP播放器适…
View and manage Android devices from PC client based java swing, supporting Windows, Linux and MacOS
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
Implement screen capture without root on Android 5.0+ by using MediaProjectionManager, VirtualDisplay, AudioRecord, MediaCodec and MediaMuxer APIs
certbot'renewing letencrypt certificate plugin - automatic verification aliyun/tencentyun/godaddy dns
Aho-Corasick string search algorithm PHP extension implementation.
Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
Go Open Source, Distributed, Simple and efficient Search Engine; Warning: This is V1 and beta version, because of big memory consume, and the V2 will be rewrite all code.
💥 React Native UI Library based on Eva Design System 🌚✨Dark Mode
Readability is Elixir library for extracting and curating articles.
A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
[爬虫框架 (golang)] An awesome Go concurrent Crawler(spider) framework. The crawler is flexible and modular. It can be expanded to an Individualized crawler easily or you can use the default crawl comp…