This is a demo repo for the Medium article Add Chatting to Flutter Apps with Socket.IO and Google Cloud Run.
This project demonstrates how to implement real-time chat functionality in a Flutter application using Socket.IO and deploy the backend server to Google Cloud Run.
- NodeJS
- Docker
- gcloud CLI (Alternative: use Google Cloud Console)
- Flutter SDK
- Clone this repository
- Start the server (requires NodeJS)
cd socketio_server
npm install
node index.js
- Build and run a Docker container locally (requires Docker)
docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> .
docker run -d <image_name>
docker stop <container_ID>
docker restart <container_ID>
- Build and push an image to Artifact Registry (requires gcloud CLI)
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
gcloud services enable
# Create a repository in Artifact Registry named REPO_NAME
gcloud artifacts repositories create <REPO_NAME> \
--repository-format=docker \
--location=<REGION> \
--description="My Chat App Docker Repo"
# Update docker configuration to authenticate with Artifact Registry
gcloud auth configure-docker <REGION>
# Set a temporary variable for the location of the image to be pushed to
# Build a container with the tag
docker build -t $TAGGED .
# Push the tagged container to Artifact Registry
docker push $TAGGED
# Unset the variable
unset TAGGED
- Deploy a Cloud Run service from the pushed image (requires gcloud CLI)
gcloud services enable
gcloud run deploy <SERVICE_NAME> \
--image $TAGGED_IMAGE \
--platform managed \
--region <REGION> \
- Run the Flutter app (requires Flutter SDK)
cd ../flutter_app_client
flutter pub get
flutter run # start an app on the connected device
flutter run -d chrome # start a web app in Chrome
flutter run -d edge # start a web app in Edge
To run the application on other devices, such as iOS or Android, additional setup may be required.