This repositery contains the work I have done during my 9 weeks in the SPICY team at the IRISA laboratory, France.
I studied the PlayReady DRM, most specifically, its usage of the Encrypted Media Extension (EME)
Here is quick description of the directories preset :
- Bitmovin : this is the first tests I have done and shows the EME calls done by the Bitmoin Test Stream.
- ClientInfoPoC : this site uses the PlayReady Test Server to display Client Informations.
- GetLicense : this site requests a license with the given parameters and displays it.
- LicenseComparison : this site does a bunch of license requests and shows them all, helping the comprehension of the license format.
- NotesStage : this contains the notes I have taken during my Internship. These notes are written in French.
- Tools : a few quick scripts I have used.
- Rendu : my final report
A few tests were done with LicenseComparison and ClientInfoPoC. The results can be found inside the folders