Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva
- Peru
Interactive quality assessment of genome assemblies
Open source code for AlphaFold 2.
Curso Análisis de procesamiento de imagenes multiespectrales RPAS con Python
Information of the centroids and geographical limits of the regions, departments, provinces and districts of Peru
Homepage of Boas Pucker listing publications and professional activities
Repositorio de prácticas realizadas en lenguaje estadístico R correspondientes al primer curso de ingeniería informática
an interactive viewer for populations of bacterial genomes linked by a phylogeny
Performing highly efficient genome scans for local adaptation with R package pcadapt v4
Converts a VCF file to a FASTA alignment provided a reference genome and a GFF file
Scripts for analysis used during the course
(Not Offical) BBMap short read aligner, and other bioinformatic tools.
gPartition is a fast model-based program that automatically partition an alignment into subsets such that sites in a subset follow the same evolutionary process.
A comprehensive and intuitive encapsulated OO class system for analyzing bacterial pangenomes in R.
Rapid large-scale prokaryote pan genome analysis
plot Multiple Sequence Alignment(MSA) of Clustal by python package
Obtaining protein sequences, building datasets, examining the effects of non-synonymous changes, and using multiple sequence alignment on the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.
Data analysis of Funannotate and Orthofinder outputs to Pangenome results
This repository contains tools for the extraction of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) from multiple sequence alignments.