I am an academic and researcher specializing in artificial intelligence and data science, affiliated with the University of Sonora, Mexico. Currently, I coordinate the Master’s Program in Data Science at the university and teach in the Department of Mathematics. My professional focus includes areas such as applied machine learning and data science.
As an educator, I love teaching through project-based strategies, fostering collaborative, inclusive, and democratic learning environments. Whether it’s through academic courses, workshops, or open-source contributions, sharing knowledge is a core part of who I am.
- 💼 Profession: Educator | Data Scientist
- 🌐 Interests: Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Teaching
- 🎓 Background: Extensive experience in academia.
Here are some highlights from my repositories with material of my courses or workshops (all in spanish):
- Ingeniería de Características: Feature Engineering course material.
- Aprendizaje Automñatico Aplicado: Applied Machine Learning course material.
- Introducciñon a la redes neuronales: A small introductory workshop of Neural Networks.