Welcome! I am a software engineer and have been working on distributed storage systems professionally. During my spare time, I enjoy venturing my own endeavor into recreational algorithmic challenges and many avenues in mathematics.
Prior to my professional career, I was at Shanghai Jiaotong University and obtained my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Michigan.
You can connect me at linkedin and email me at gao dot junlong at icloud dot com, or previously junlonga at umich dot edu.
... Later there will be, I hope, some people who will find it to their advantage to decipher all this mess
-- Évariste Galois, May 29, 1832
It is true that Fourier had the opinion that the principal aim of mathematics was public utility and explanation of natural phenomena; but a philosopher like him should have known that the sole end of science is the honor of the human mind, and that under this title a question about numbers is worth as much as a question about the system of the world.
-- C.G.J. Jacobi, letter to Legendre, July 2, 1830, in Gesammelte Werke, Vol. I, Berlin (1881), p. 454.