It's a bot for emoji duh
For every request, an emoji will be made in your image!
this irc convo:
3:05 PM <•krustuna_work> :sadhorse:
3:06 PM <•jden> an irc bot that lets us associate :emoji-style-tags: with images
3:06 PM <•jden> so like you type :sadhorse:
3:06 PM <•jden> and ircbot says:
3:06 PM <•jden>
3:06 PM <•legittalon> yes
3:06 PM <•legittalon> please
3:07 PM <•krustuna_work> jden: would you like to add me to your repo bc I have some ideas
3:07 PM <•jden> i will be the convener of the repo :)
Please edit emoji.yaml the format is fairly straightforward.