- Download the local-dev git repo and follow setup instructions
- Navigate to
folder and git pull this project and enter stocks_api directory. - Create a folder name
in the base directory - Open terminal and run
make local
command which does the following actions:
- starts docker containers
- installs dependencies
- builds database
- creates and loads data fixtures
- Create a new git branch and begin coding
Command | Description |
dev-exec command |
Enters container and will run command if specified |
dev-mysql | Enters mysql container |
Command | Description |
make local | runs environment setup for development |
make build | installs dependencies, creates database, runs all migrations, validates database, and builds data fixtures |
make build-database | creates database and runs all migrations |
make build-migrate | runs all migrations |
make build-migration | creates migration based on entity file updates |
make clear-cache | clears symfony cache, run this after making changes to configuration files |
make build-cache | clears and rebuilds symfony cache, may take some time |
make .env | creates .env from .env-dist if not present |
make fix-cs | applies code formating standards to all .php files in src and test folders |
make test | runs all unit and feature tests |
make test-unit | runs all unit tests |
make test-feature | runs all feature tests |
make start-consumers | starts 5 worker processes for consuming queue messages |
make stop-consumers | stops consumer worker processes |
*See make file for additional commands
All Symfony commands are prefixed by bin/console
. Run bin/console
to list all available commands
Command | Description |
cache:clear | Clears the cache |
debug:autowiring | Lists classes/interfaces you can use for autowiring |
debug:router | Displays current routes for an application |
doctrine:migrations:diff | Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information. |
doctrine:migrations:dump-schema | Dump the schema for your database to a migration. |
doctrine:migrations:execute | Execute one or more migration versions up or down manually. |
doctrine:migrations:migrate | Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version. |
doctrine:schema:validate | Validate the mapping files |
Swagger Documentation: http://localhost:8080
Api Platform: https://api-platform.com
Symfony: https://symfony.com/doc/current/index.html
Doctrine ORM: https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html
Composer: https://getcomposer.org/
RabbitMQ: https://www.rabbitmq.com/documentation.html
TD Ameritrade Api: https://developer.tdameritrade.com/apis
Alpaca Trade Api: https://alpaca.markets/docs/api-documentation/api-v2/
Command | Description |
stocks-api:api:sync-ticker-types |
syncs db ticker types with Polygon.IO api |
stocks-api:api:sync-tickers |
syncs db tickers with Polygon.IO api. |
stocks-api:api:sync-orders |
Work in progress for command, but can run via /api/stocks/v1/account/{UUID}/sync_orders endpoint |
Run make fix-cs
in the terminal. This will inspect and fix all php files in the src and test directories. It will
also validate syntax.
Mysql 8.0
Access database commandline via running dev-mysql
in the terminal (not inside docker container). Use database stocks_api
. For consistency Docrine ORM is used. Entities are created in the
directory. This includes the Doctrine @ORM
annotations to create schema. Changes to the entity will
cause database schema validation to fail. Run make build-migration
to create a new migration with changes add a
description in the created file in the src/Migrations
directory. Then run make build-migrate
to execute the
Admin Url: localhost:15672
User: guest
Pass: guest
Setup supervisord for threading, may have to tweak as message volume increases.
Run make start-consumers
to register all listeners and queues
This will register 5 workers to handle all message consumption
Currently used for the following:
bin/console stocks-api:api:sync-tickers
You can use the -t or --type
parameter to specify a ticker type
ie. 'common stock'. Must be a valid ticker type which can be obtained from the
endpoint. Will throw an error on invalid type. It's a bit slow,
but it will refresh all tickers daily eventually. It publishes fetched tickers to the queue and processes
them asynchronously. You can view progress via the RabbitMQ admin interface above.
The MessageClient folder in the src directory will be moved to a bundle in the next major push.
Admin Url: http://localhost:8081
Setup a minimal satis server. Still confguring it to pull down updated bundles from github. Eventually you can
clone a bundle repo in the repos
directory and run composer install
and it will symlink the bundle in the vendor
folder for development. Alternatively you would add the desired bundle to the composer.json
file to install directly
as package for production use.