JAMS annotation files for the original and augmented UrbanSound8K dataset, provided as supplementary material to:
J. Salamon and J. P. Bello, "Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Data Augmentation for Environmental Sound Classification," submitted, 2016.
This repository contains annotations in JAMS format [1,2] for the UrbanSound8k dataset [3]. It also contains the extended JAMS files returned by the MUDA audio data augmentation library [4], which contain the deformation parameters utilized to generate the augmented UrbanSound8K training set used in [5].
The audio files used for the background noise augmentations are located in the background_noise
- E. J. Humphrey, J. Salamon, O. Nieto, J. Forsyth, R. Bittner, and J. P. Bello, "JAMS: A JSON Annotated Music Specification for Reproducible MIR Research," in 15th Int. Soc. for Music Info. Retrieval Conf., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2014, pp. 591–596.
- B. McFee, E. J. Humphrey, O. Nieto, J. Salamon, R. Bittner, J. Forsyth, and J. P. Bello, "Pump up the JAMS: V0.2 and beyond," Music and Audio Research Laboratory, New York University, Tech. Rep., Oct. 2015.
- J. Salamon, C. Jacoby, and J.P.Bello, "A Dataset and Taxonomy for Urban Sound Research," in 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM-MM'14), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2014, pp. 1041–1044.
- B. McFee, E. Humphrey, and J. Bello, "A Software Framework for Musical Data Augmentation," in 16th Int. Soc. for Music Info. Retrieval Conf., Malaga, Spain, Oct. 2015, pp. 248–254.
- J. Salamon and J. P. Bello, "Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Data Augmentation for Environmental Sound Classification", submitted, 2016.