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Single-page Backbone.js app consuming RESTful JSON Rails API - inspired by Etsy

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ArtisanStyle is a shopping web application built on Ruby on Rails, Backbone.js, PostgreSQL, and jQuery, and is modeled after

Main Functionality

Users can:

  • Create accounts and log in using custom authentication method that stores passwords in a BCrypt secret hash instead of plain text
  • Search for items by name
  • Filter items by category, with or without a search parameter
  • Add shops and items to their favorites, and view them separately
  • Add items to their cart, with varying quantities, and change quantities in the cart
  • Checkout and remove items their cart


  • Polymorphic Imageable and Favoriteable associations
  • Custom AJAX requests for searching and filtering by category by sending data params to the Rails controllers
  • Pagination using Kaminari to optimize load times when viewing the shops index
  • Storing cart information in a JavaScript cookie to avoid extraneous AJAX requests
  • Custom module to trigger events in the cart cookie in order to attach jQuery events to changes in the cart. Code snippet here:
_.extend(window.CookieManager, Backbone.Events, {
  set: function(key, value){
    Cookies.set(key, value);
  getJSON: function(key){
    return Cookies.getJSON(key);
  • Custom composite view module to attach and remove subviews on each page

Original Design Parameters

Minimum Viable Product

Users can:

  • Create accounts
  • Create sessions (log in)
  • Have a personalized feed of shops from subscriptions
  • View shops
  • View items in shops
  • Favorite shops and items and view those favorites
  • Add items to a shopping cart
  • Checkout
  • Search for shops and items by title and category

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Viewing Shops and Items (~2-3 days)

I will implement user authentication in Rails. Users will be able to view shops and items via API routes for shop and item data as JSON. I will generate my Backbone structure and create models and collections for both. I will push the app to Heroku and ensure that everything works before moving on to phase 2.


Phase 2: Favorites and the Landing page (~2 days)

I will add an index route that shows all shops in the database, represented by a shop thumb. I'll add favorites to bridge items and users as well as shops and users. Clicking the favorites will show the current_user's favorites association to create a list of shops for that particular user. In Backbone, I will make a ShopsIndex view whose shops collection fetches from the route.


Phase 3: Adding Items to the Shopping Cart and Checkout (~2 days)

Instead of creating a route in rails, I'll be tracking the current_user's shopping cart using a cookie that exists only in the browser. In Backbone, I'll make a ShoppingCartShow view whose items collection fetches from this cookie. Clicking the Checkout button for a particular item will reset the cookie and display a message that their item will be sent to them.


Phase 4: Searching for Shops and Items, Categories (~2 days)

I'll need to add search routes to both the Shops and Items controllers. On the Backbone side, there will be a SearchResults composite view has ItemsIndex subviews. These views will use plain old shops and items collections, but they will fetch from the new search routes. I"ll add a column category: to each item, and the user will be able to browse all items by category, as well as browse items by category within a search query.


Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Pagination/infinite scroll
  • Cart Icon to show number of items in the cart
  • Dynamic Search
  • CSS Animations on load
  • Association between users and shops
  • Users can leave reviews on items they bought


Single-page Backbone.js app consuming RESTful JSON Rails API - inspired by Etsy






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