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Written on Node.js Open Source API and In-game Shop implementation for the TERA Online retail servers.


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API and In-game Shop implementation for the TERA Online retail server on Node.js. The API consists of four independent servers (Arbiter API, Portal API, Shop API and Admin Panel) running on different ports. The API requires the retail server to be running using the arb_gw (ArbiterServer Gateway) process supplied with the TW localization patches.

The Arbiter API intended for processing internal requests from the Arbiter Server, such as checking a token, receiving events about the character's behavior, etc. This API must be binded only on a local IP address and must not be accessed by external users!

The Portal API is a web server intended for the Launcher/TERA Shop. This API must be available from the outside (proxied by Nginx or binded on external IP) for use by server users: registration, authorization, login, update routines etc. Also, this API allows to process static elements (directory public).

Built-in admin panel for full control of all functionality and viewing API logs. There is also full integration with the Box Server and Steer Server (for setting permissions).



Basic Installation

  1. Install latest node.js from
  2. Copy the all tera-api files to any directory (e.g. c:\tera-api).
  3. Execute the npm install command in your tera-api directory, or just run install.bat.
  4. Unpack the archive to data\shop-slides-bg folder.
  5. Unpack the archive to data\tera-icons folder.
  6. Copy the DataCenter_Final_XXX.dat files from your game client to the data\datasheets directory.
  7. Copy or rename the .env.example file to .env.
  8. Configure the parameters in the .env file.
  9. Execute the npm run start_all command, or run the file start__all.bat to start TERA API components.
  10. Import the database files in file names order to your MySQL database of TERA API.

If you don't plan to use tera-client-packer to automatically update the client through the launcher, set parameter API_PORTAL_CLIENT_PATCH_NO_CHECK to true in your .env config file.

Admin Panel

By default, the admin panel is available on all IP addresses on port 8050, like You can change this in the .env settings. To enter the admin panel, use login apiadmin and password password. These credentials should be used only for tests, and in production you need to set up integration with the Steer Server.

Integration with Steer Server

  1. Install and configure the Steer Server.
  2. Open Steer Web admin panel.
  3. Go to Import/export section and select Import.
  4. Select the file ExportSteerData_steeradmin_API.sef and confirm import.
  5. Go to Manage user section and select Add user.
  6. Create new user named like imsadmin.
  7. Go to Authority connect section and select Connect user - user group.
  8. Select your user on left and click Add user group connection on right section.
  9. In new window select group API_AdminPanel_Admin and click add.
  10. Open your .env file and set STEER_ENABLE parameter to true.

The Steer Server allows you to flexibly manage permissions to certain sections of the TERA API Admin Panel. For example, you can create a new user and connect it to user group API_AdminPanel_Shop. Users in this group will only have access to TERA Shop management functions. You can also create your own function group.

TERA Shop Integration

  1. Install and configure the Steer Server, Box Server.
  2. Go to your TERA Server arb_gw directory and open config config_arb_gw.txt.
  3. Modify the patamerer web_shop_url value as http://YOUR_API_HOST/tera/ShopAuth?authKey=%s, where YOUR_API_HOST specify your TERA API (Portal API) host.
  4. Go to your TERA Server Bin directory and open DeploymentConfig.xml.
  5. Remove or comment the line like this <Shop url="..." />.
  6. Open your .env and set the API_PORTAL_SHOP_ENABLE parameter to true.

TERA Shop products are configured through the TERA API Admin Panel. The creation of a Service Item in the Box System occurs automatically when a product is added (using the Platform Hub).

Additional Settings

You can further setting of SLS override, Promo codes, Chronoscrolls (Premium Items), Admin Panel and TERA Shop by editing the files in the config directory. To edit the configuration, copy the *.default.js file as *.js, for example admin.default.js as admin.js. Never edit *.default.js files.

Separate Launch

It is possible to separately launch components used by TERA API. To do this, use the --component parameter, in which you specify the name of the component (the parameter can be repeated multiple times to launch multiple components).

Command example: node --expose-gc --max_old_space_size=8192 src/app --component arbiter_api.

There are also npm scripts to run the necessary components:

Command Comment
npm run start_admin_panel Starts Admin Panel component.
npm run start_arbiter_api Starts Arbiter API component.
npm run start_gateway_api Starts Gateway API component.
npm run start_portal_api Starts Portal API component.
npm run start_all Starts all components.

In addition, components can be launched using pre-created bat files: start_admin_panel.bat, start_arbiter_api.bat, start_gateway_api.bat and start_portal_api.bat. To run all components use the start__all.bat.

TERA Client Data (Datasheets)

The API and the TERA Shop require data of item templates, item conversions, item strings etc. The API also requires of some client datasheets placed into directory data\datasheets.

The loader supports direct data loading from TERA DataCenter .dat files, which can be placed in the data\datasheets directory, for example: data\datasheets\DataCenter_Final_EUR.dat and data\datasheets\DataCenter_Final_RUS.dat. After that, configure KEY, IV, padding and compression parameters in the .env file.

If you don't know what KEY and IV your game client's DataCenter uses, use TeraDataTools utility (download).

Gateway API Server

The API includes one more server (Gateway API Server) designed for remote access to data managed by the API and performing certain actions, such as requesting the server online monitoring, TERA Shop balance, funding the TERA Shop balance, etc.

If you need to implement a TERA Shop balance change using your external billing site, please use this API instead of directly changing the database.

Server API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Arguments Description
/serverApi/ListServers GET - Retrieve a list of all available servers.
/serverApi/ListOnlineAccountsByServerId GET serverId Retrieve a list of online accounts for a specific server ID.
/serverApi/GetServerInfoByServerId GET serverId Request the server information of specified server ID.
/serverApi/KickAccountByUserNo POST userNo, serverId Disconnect a specific account from the server by account ID and server ID.
/serverApi/KickAllAccountsByServerId POST serverId Disconnect all accounts from a specified server ID.

Account API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Arguments Description
/accountApi/ListAccounts GET - Retrieve a list of all registered accounts.
/accountApi/ListCharactersByUserNo GET userNo, serverId Retrieve a list of characters associated with a specific account ID and server ID.
/accountApi/ListBenefitsByUserNo GET userNo Retrieve a list of benefits assigned to a specific account ID.
/accountApi/GetAccountInfoByUserNo GET userNo Request the account information of specified account ID.
/accountApi/GetAccountBanByUserNo GET userNo, clientIP Request the account banned status of specified account ID or client IP.
/accountApi/RegisterNewAccount POST login, email, password Register a new account based on the specified data.
/accountApi/AddBenefitByUserNo POST userNo, benefitId, benefitDays Add a benefit by its ID and number of days for the specified account ID.
/accountApi/RemoveBenefitByUserNo POST userNo, benefitId Remove a benefit by its ID from the specified account ID.
/accountApi/BanAccountByUserNo POST userNo, startTime, endTime, ip?, description Ban a specific account by its account ID.

Shop API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Arguments Description
/shopApi/ListAccounts GET - Retrieve a list of all shop accounts.
/shopApi/GetAccountInfoByUserNo GET userNo Request the TERA Shop balance of the specified account ID.
/shopApi/FundByUserNo POST userNo, transactionId, amount Add funds to the TERA Shop balance of the specified account ID.
/shopApi/ListCoupons GET - Retrieve a list of all coupons.
/shopApi/ListCouponsAvailableByUserNo GET userNo Retrieve a list of coupons available for a specified account ID.
/shopApi/ListCouponsActivatedByUserNo GET userNo Retrieve a list of coupons that have been activated by a specified account ID.
/shopApi/ListCouponsActivatedById GET id Retrieve details of an activated coupon by its ID.
/shopApi/AddNewCoupon POST discount, validAfter, validBefore, maxActivations, userNo?, string? Add a new coupon with the specified details.
/shopApi/ListPromoCodes GET - Retrieve a list of all available promo codes.
/shopApi/ListPromoCodesActivatedByUserNo GET userNo Retrieve a list of promo codes activated by a specific account ID.
/shopApi/ListPromoCodesActivatedById GET id Retrieve information about a specific activated promo code ID.
/shopApi/ActivatePromoCodeByUserNo POST promoCodeId, userNo Activate a specific promo code ID for a specified account ID.

Box API Endpoints

Endpoint Method Arguments Description
/boxApi/ListBoxes GET - Retrieve a list of all available Boxes with contains items.
/boxApi/SendBoxToAccountByUserNo POST boxId, userNo, characterId?, serverId? Send the specified Box to the a specific account ID, character ID, server ID.
/boxApi/SendBoxesToAllByServerId POST boxId, loginAfterTime, serverId? Send specified Box to all accounts active after the specified date.