Table of Contents
List the provisioning profiles on the current mac on the cli in a table.
key features:
display a relevant infos in a compact table
dynamic arrangement of content depending on console-window and content width (provided by comfy-table)
highlighting of expired certificates
sorting can be customized
get it on brew
not yet possible due to brew rules
GitHub repository not notable enough (<30 forks, <30 watchers and <75 stars)
add command to delete expired profiles
add import command to impot downloaded profile into the correct location (mimics the import by opening the profile in XC)
user@mymac % pputil
scanning directories:
* ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Provisioning Profiles (Xc16)
* ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles (Xc15)
│ Profile Name ┆ App ID Name ┆ Entitlements: ┆ expir. ┆ XC ┆ lcl ┆ team name ┆ prv ┆ UUID ┆ XC │
│ ┆ ┆ application-identifier ┆ date ┆ mgd ┆ prv ┆ ┆ dvc ┆ ┆ │
│ myproject adhoc provisionin... ┆ myproject Apps ┆* ┆ 2025-04-22 ┆ N ┆ _ ┆ ABC GmbH ┆ 64 ┆ 782a9385-9c89-495b-96dd-6bc29ba329d2 ┆ 16+ │
│ iOS Team Provisioning Profi... ┆ ABC Development Wildcard ┆* ┆ 2025-10-06 ┆ Y ┆ _ ┆ ABC GmbH ┆ 71 ┆ 58cc1b0b-3fc8-44a1-841b-a59e15b4e862 ┆ 16+ │
│ Foo Developement ┆ ABC Development Wildcard ┆* ┆ 2025-12-24 ┆ N ┆ _ ┆ ABC GmbH ┆ 60 ┆ 33941f79-483a-4705-a89c-5a778126f603 ┆ 16+ │
install cargo/rust
# get rustup
brew install rustup
# or
# install rust toolchain
rustup default stable
# optional
rustup component add rustfmt
git clone
cd pputil
cargo run
# you can hand options to pputil with cargo by using '--'
cargo run -- --verbose