This repository contains the Working from Home (WFH) capacity index propsed in "Germany's Capacity to Work from Home" by Jean-Victor Alipour, Oliver Falck and Simone Schüller.
The index is available at the 2-digit NACE industry level, NUTS-3 (county) level, and the 2-digit occupation level (KldB-2010 and ISCO-2008):
Industry-level data [csv-format, dta-format]
- nace2: NACE 2-digit sector identifier
- wfh_freq: Share of employees working from home frequently
- wfh_occ: Share of employees working from home occasionally
- wfh_untapped_dem: Untapped WFH capacity due to lacking demand
- wfh_untapped_sup: Untapped WFH capacity due to supply-side contraints
- wfh_feas: Share of WFH feasible jobs (WFH capacity)
County-level data [csv-format, dta-format]
- nuts3: County identifier (Amtlicher Kreisschlüssel)
- wfh_freq: Share of employees (working in county &) working from home frequently
- wfh_occ: Share of employees (working in county &) working from home occasionally
- wfh_tot: Share of employees (working in county &) ever working from home
- wfh_untapped_res: Untapped WFH capacity based on county of work
- wfh_feas: Share of WFH feasible jobs (WFH capacity)
- wfh_freq_res: Share of employees (residing in county &) working from home frequently
- wfh_occ_res: Share of employees (residing in county &) working from home occasionally
- wfh_tot_res: Share of employees (residing in county &) ever working from home
- wfh_untapped_res: Untapped WFH capacity based on county of residence
- wfh_feas_res: Share of employees (residing in county &) with WFH feasible jobs (WFH capacity based on county of residence)
Occupation-level data: KldB-2010 2-digit [csv-format, dta-format]/ ISCO-2008 2-digit [csv-format, dta-format]
- kldb10_2d: 2-digit occupation, Klassifizierung der Berufe 2010
- isco08_2d: 2-digit occupation, ISCO 2008
- wfh_freq: Share of employees working from home frequently
- wfh_occ: Share of employees working from home occasionally
- wfh_untapped_dem: Untapped WFH capacity due to lacking demand
- wfh_untapped_sup: Untapped WFH capacity due to supply-side contraints
- wfh_feas: Share of WFH feasible jobs (WFH capacity)
All computations are based on data from the BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018 and employment statistics from the Federal Employement Agency (BA), June 2019.
Please cite as: Alipour, J.-V., O. Falck and S. Schüller (2020). Germany's Capacity to Work from Home. CESifo Working Paper No. 8227.
For questions and suggestions, please contact:
Jean-Victor Alipour
LMU Munich & ifo Institute
[email protected]