- Melbourne, Australia
musicrecommender Public
A simple music recommendation tool as an exercise to get familiar with Java
Java UpdatedMar 23, 2023 -
Back end of the Smart brain face recognition app
JavaScript UpdatedJan 11, 2023 -
PunkAPI-graphql-wrapper Public
a graphql wrapper for the Punk beer API found at https://punkapi.com/
TypeScript UpdatedJan 7, 2023 -
graphql-boilerplate Public
boilerplate made from Apollo's express graphql server, webpack, and typescript
Algorithms and data structure practice
TypeScript UpdatedJan 6, 2023 -
jwt-tokens-boilerplate Public
An exercise to implement token based authentication with jwt tokens
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
A boilerplate that includes a react client, node API and an Apollo graphql API
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
using-api-with-react-hooks Public
A small app that shows code to fetch data from an API with react hooks
JavaScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
blog-app Public
A single page blog consisting of posts being served from a database
JavaScript UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
hackernews-apollo-tutorial Public
Apollo and React tutorial from howtographql.com
JavaScript UpdatedJan 3, 2023 -
slack-sign-up-app Public
An app that allows users to sign up to a slack workshop, instead of having to be invited
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2023 -
hackernews-clone-graphql Public
Hacker news clone using GraphQL based on the tutorial from https://www.howtographql.com
JavaScript UpdatedDec 22, 2022 -
blog-api Public
Back end api for the single page blog serving the front end at https://github.com/jvdsouza/blog-app
JavaScript UpdatedDec 9, 2022 -
fibonacci-web-api Public
the backend to the web app at https://github.com/jvdsouza/fibonacci-web-app
JavaScript UpdatedDec 9, 2022 -
My-Portfolio Public
My portfolio to display my skills and experience
ability-stone-sim Public
Simulator for ability stone cutting in Lost Ark mmorpg
Go UpdatedFeb 11, 2022 -
Robofriends-App Public
Robofriends App exercise from the zero to master web developer course on udemy
JavaScript UpdatedJan 22, 2022 -
Have-You-Seen-This-Dog Public
Simple data tracking on whether you have seen this dog or not
HTML UpdatedMay 31, 2021 -