Developing From MotionBEV
Thanks for xiekkki's wonderful job!
Take a reference of MotionBEV
my environment:
- Ubuntu:18.04 CUDA:11.6 CUDNN:8.3 python:3.9
- torch==1.13.1+cu116 torch-scatter==2.1.1
- dropblock==0.3.0 tqdm==4.66.1 numpy==1.21.6
(how to install pytorch : take a reference in
ensure that open3d = 0.15.2, if you want to visualize the pointcloud
conda create -n mosbev python=3.9
Take a reference of MotionBEV
Only need to prepare SemanticKITTI (KITTI-road if you want to use)
modify scan_folder and residual_image_folder in the data_preparing_polar_sequential.yaml
scan_folder : the path to kittidataset
residual_image_folder : the output path
then run
python utils/generate_residual/utils/
there are two pretrained models:
modify data_path, data_path_test, residual_path and model_load_path in the infer.yaml
data_path : the path to kittidataset
data_path_test : the path to the test part of kittidataset
residual_path : the path to the residual image path
model_load_path : the pretrained model path
also if you want to infer in the test part, change the parameter of test to True in infer.yaml
then run
modify data_path and residual_path in the MotionBEVpp-semantickitti.yaml
data_path and residual_path are the same meaning as before
then run
- run
python utils/ -l $your_dataset_path -s 'valid'
modify seq, dataset_path, gt_label_path and prediction_label_path in the
seq : sequence
dataset_path : the path to dataset velodyne
gt_label_path : the path to dataset groundtrue label
prediction_label_path : the path to the prediction
then run
cd open3d-semantickitti-mos-visualize
Press key d
to show next frame.
Press key a
to show last frame.
Press key z
to auto play.
Press key x
to stop auto play.
Press key s
to save the view.
Press key f
and input number to the frame you want.
Press key p
to get the screen capture.