Contrails (Condensation Trails), formed by ice crystals in aircraft exhaust, trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Improving contrail detection helps reduce aviation's environmental impact by enabling airlines to avoid creating them. Accurate contrail segmentation supports climate change mitigation efforts and promotes sustainable aviation.
So, in this task we are doing Contrails Segmentation using various method. Our approach is about comparing one method or architecture with another and trying to find the best result from it.
Our goal is to find better methods or architectures compared to the baseline we used.
There are some pre-requisite need to be done. First, we will use this dataset from Kaggle competition Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global Warming ( The dataset is around 450GB in zipped format.
There are two way to run the script.
- By running the script on local (if you have the computing resources).
- By running the script on kaggle.
If you are planning to run it locally, make sure to have some space for downloading and extracting the dataset. If running locally, extract the dataset and don't change the name. Keep in mind the dataset path.
If you planning to run it on Kaggle, you can load the dataset by joining the competition first and then load the dataset into the notebook.
And for both, keep in mind that we use the baseline code from this code, Getting Started | EDA -> Model -> Train -> Submit ( For running our code, you can reference from this one.
We also provided some weights from our experiments that can be accessed here:
Keep these weights in a directory and later this path can be use for inference only.
Here are the steps on how to use this project locally.
- First, clone this repository.
git clone [email protected]:jychpr/Contrails-Segmentation.git
And move to the directory
cd Contrails-Segmentation
- Create virtual environment. Here we use conda to create environment
conda create -n conseg python=3.12
And activate it
conda activate conseg
- Then install the requirements using this command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- We will use jupyter lab to accress the notebook. After running the code below, just copy the link or URL for the interface
jupyter lab --no-browser
Go to the notebooks directory and choose one of the notebook to try the methods we try.
Then, search for the directory variable initialization and change to the dataset directory which will be similar to the current being set in the notebook files .ipynb
Changing all the directories at the code complete, then just run all the cells until the end of the script.
But for the EfficientNetB7UNet, there are two notebook, one for training and inference. If you want to try to run, you need to run the training first and stop the session and kill the kernel to reset the VRAM usage, and run the inference, but check the weights that has been produced by training.
For Inference run only.
Run steps 1-6 earlier
Find the model path in "Train" section, and change the model path with the weights path that is downloaded beforehand.
Continue steps 7 from earlier
We have two setups.
- By running the script on local (if you have the computing resources).
Run on PC with specs: GPU VRAM 24GB, Memory RAM 128GB
- By running the script on kaggle.
Run with specs: GPU P100 in the settings
Inference run usage:
- Baseline UNet: 3-8GB VRAM
- CBAM+UNet: 10-16GB VRAM
- EfficientNetB7+Unet: 24GB VRAM (GPU with 24GB VRAM can run this inference)
We use uniform hyperparameters for all of our code which is the same with the reference baseline code, such as:
- Epoch: 11
- Optimizer: Adam
- Optimizer Learning Rate: 0.01
And for experimentation, we implement some methods and loss function as follows.
- Baseline UNet
- EfficientNetB7 + UNet
- CBAM + UNet
Metrics, Parameters, Hyperparameters tried:
- BCE (Binary Cross-Entropy) only
- BCE + Dice Loss Function
Here is the result of the data exploration.
Here is the comparison between Dice Score result
Here is the comparison betwwen segmentation results
The highest score achieved by EfficientNetB7+UNet with BCE loss function. Here are the results in display
- Dataset: Google Research - Identify Contrails to Reduce Global Warming (
- Baseline Code: Getting Started | EDA -> Model -> Train -> Submit (
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