A Finite Element library for Static and Linear analysis of solids and structures 100% in C#.
Brief Finite Element Dot NET (BFE.NET) is a .NET based software framework for static and linear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of solids and structures. BFE.NET help you to simply take advantage of Object Oriented approach to analyze FE models. Advantage of such a framework is that user does have a very powerful control on what he is working with, and control is not limited to an UI with predefined controls.
This project is using/used these projects/files:
- CSParse.NET and some other codes from Christian Woltering for solving sparse linear system
- Helix 3D Toolkit for 3D visualizations
- Formulation of considering shear deformation or partial end release in frame elements are ported from Matrix Structural Analysis (MSA) by Dr. Hossein Rahami
Various Elements (variable node beam, column, truss, shaft, 3 node plate bending and membrane, 4 node tetrahedral)
Static Linear analysis (dynamic analysis not fully implemented yet)
approach for analysis and post process -
Considering initial displacements (settlements)
Full or partial nodal restrains
Compatible with .NET 4.0 and higher
All data classes are Serializable
Direct and Iterative solvers (More)
Good Documentation available at bfenet.readthedocs.io
This library is developed regarding "Code Reuse" so the code will be somehow complicated. There are several types of validation for FE models in this library:
- Unit Test (in project BriefFiniteElementNet.Tests
- Validating the result with other well known and open source applications:
- Validating the result with OpenSees (the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) available at opensees.berkeley.edu
- Validating the result with Frame3dd application available at frame3dd.sourceforge.net
for more information on validation please have a look at Validation.md file.