Machine Learning classes from code academy. (
Grade: 100% (see julien-amar#1)
LinearRegression: a model for understanding the relationship between an input and output numerical variables using a linear regression: a * x + b
Multiple Linear Regression: Similar to LinearRegression, but enables to understand the relationship between multiple inputs and output numerical variables using a linear regression: a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 + ... + an * xn + b
Naive Bayes: Supervised machine learning algorithm that leverages Bayes' Theorem (probabilistic approach) to make predictions and classifications.
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): Non-parametric method used for classification. The input consists of the k closest training examples in the feature space.
K-Nearest Neighbor Regressor (KNNR): Similar to KNN, but output the average of the values of its k nearest neighbors for a specific feature.
Support Vector Machines (SVM): Supervised machine learning model, defining a decision boundary and then seeing what side of the boundary an unclassified point falls on. SVMs can efficiently perform a non-linear classification using what is called the kernel trick, implicitly mapping their inputs into high-dimensional feature spaces.
K-Mean: Unsupervised machine learning model, using a defined number of cluster (k) and randomly placed centroid to cluster data. Inertia define the distance with associated centroids (lower is better).
K-Means++: K-Means++ is an updated version of K-Means that aims to avoid the convergence and clustering problems by placing the initial centroids in a more effective way.
Introduction, Setup, & Prework
- Welcome!
- Learning Experience
- Setting Up
- Slack
- Project Review
- Certification
- Optional Prework
Unit 1: What is Machine Learning?
- WEEK 1, DAY 1
- Lesson: Why Machine Learning?
- Article: Supervised vs. Unsupervised
- WEEK 1, DAY 2
- Article: The Machine Learning Process
- Article: Scikit-Learn Cheatsheet
Unit 2: Regression
- WEEK 1, DAY 3
- Lesson: Distance Formula
- WEEK 1, DAYS 4 & 5
- Article: Regression vs. Classification
- Lesson: Linear Regression Lesson
- Quiz: Linear Regression Quiz
- WEEK 1, DAY 6
- Article: Training Set vs Validation Set vs Test Set
- Lesson: Multiple Linear Regression (StreetEasy)
- Quiz: Multiple Linear Regression Quiz
- WEEK 2, DAY 1
- Project: Linear Regression for the Bees
- WEEK 2, DAY 2
- Lesson: Accuracy, Precision and Recall
- Quiz: Accuracy, Precision and Recall Quiz
- WEEK 2, DAYS 3 & 4
- Yelp Rating Predictor Cumulative Project
- Article: Yelp Dataset Terms of Use
- WEEK 2, DAYS 5 & 6
- Catch-Up and Reflect
Unit 3: Classification
- WEEK 3, DAY 1
- Article: Normalization
- WEEK 3, DAY 2
- Lesson: Naive Bayes Classifier
- Quiz: Naive Bayes Classifier Quiz
- WEEK 3, DAY 3
- Project: Naive Bayes Classifier Project
- WEEK 3, DAY 4
- Lesson: K-Nearest Neighbors
- Quiz: K-Nearest Neighbors Quiz
- WEEK 3, DAY 5
- Lesson: K-Nearest Neighbors Regression
- WEEK 3, DAY 6
- Project: Breast Cancer Classification
- Article: The Dangers of Overfitting
- WEEK 4, DAY 1
- Lesson: Support Vector Machine
- Quiz: Support Vector Machine Quiz
- WEEK 4, DAY 2
- Project: Sports Vector Machine
- WEEK 4, DAYS 3 & 4
- Twitter Classification Cumulative Project
- WEEK 4, DAYS 5 & 6
- Catch-Up and Reflect
Unit 4: Unsupervised Learning
- WEEK 5, DAY 1
- Lesson: K-Means Clustering
- Quiz: K-Means Clustering Quiz
- WEEK 5, DAY 2
- Lesson: K-Means++ Lesson
- WEEK 5, DAY 3
- Project: Handwriting Recognition Project
- WEEK 5, DAYS 4 & 5
- Masculinity Survey Cumulative Project
- WEEK 5, DAY 6
- Catch-Up and Reflect
Unit 5: Neural Network Teaser
- WEEK 6, DAY 1
- Article: What are Neural Networks?
- WEEK 6, DAY 2
- Lesson: Perceptron Lesson
- Quiz: Perceptron Quiz
- WEEK 6, DAY 3
- Project: Perceptron Project
Unit 6: Capstone Project
- Project: Date-A-Scientist
- Numpy and Scipy Documentation: Library for processing data (as arrays)
- Pandas: Python Data Analysis Library
- Metaplotlib: Python plotting library
- scikit learn: Machine Learning library in Python