IButterFree is a lightweight embedded library for displays and touchscreens providing everything required to build a fully featured embedded GUI. The IButterFree library has been designed to be the smallest, fastest and most advanced embedded library for display and touchscreen solutions. For more information, access the official website.
- Small memory Footprint;
- Maximize utilities of hardware acceleration;
- Support of advanced graphics operations such as multiple alpha blending modes;
- No kernel modifications;
- Lightweight, OpenSource, Portable and Modular;
IButterFree requires CMake to compile. Follow the instructions:
$ cd ibutterfree
$ mkdir build
$ cmake CMakeLists.txt -Bbuild
$ cd build
$ make
In case of cross compilation:
$ cd ibutterfree
$ mkdir build
$ cmake CMakeLists.txt -Bbuild -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchains/<toolchain_file>.cmake
$ cd build
$ make
IButterFree may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.