An Oxide extension to allow further customisation in Rust maps
You can find the map editor at
To Install
You must have Oxide/uMod installed on your server to make use of the extension
Copy the Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll to your /serverroot/RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder and restart your server
- Establishes IO connections made in the editor
- Populates custom loot containers and ensures they respawn/refresh loot at the rates set in the associated loot profile
- Creates spawn handlers for all loot containers placed in the editor without a loot profile so they respawn/refresh loot at default rates
- Creates spawn handlers for all resource entities placed in the editor so manually placed resources will respawn
- Creates spawn handlers for all junk piles placed in the editor so manually placed junk piles will respawn
- Creates spawn handlers for NPC Spawners placed in the editor
- Creates spawn handlers for vehicles placed in the editor
- Populates custom vending machines using the vending profile associated with them in the editor
- Overrides OceanPatrolPath generation with a custom path created in the editor
- Creates and manages custom APC paths created in the editor
- Fixes the spawn point prefab and ensures players will only spawn on them
- Fixes the rotation of the excavator arm on map placed excavator monuments that have been rotated
- Ensures desk keycard spawners actually respawn keycards
- Disables damage and decay on all editor placed entities
- Prevents deployable entities from killing themselves
- Updates itself automatically
Chat Commands
- All chat commands require that the player running them has admin privileges
- /rustedit - Show all available chat commands
- / opt:time - Show all current custom spawn points
- / opt:time - Show custom ocean patrol path points
- /rustedit.vending.restock - Re-stock the vending machine you are looking at with a random selection of items from the vending profile
Console Commands
- Console commands run via in-game console require the player running them has admin privileges. Console commands can also be run via rcon
- rustedit - Show all available console commands
- rustedit.apc.status - Show the current status of custom APCs
- rustedit.apc.killall - Kill all custom APCs
- rustedit.apc.respawn - Respawn all dead custom APCs
- - Reset IO connections to what is stored in the map file
- rustedit.vending.restockall - Re-stock all map Vending Machines with a random selection of items from the vending profile
- rustedit.resource.respawnall - Force spawn all resources pending respawn
- - Display a count of all map resources and their status
- rustedit.loot.respawnall - Force spawn all loot containers pending respawn
- - Display a count of all map loot containers and their status
- rustedit.junkpile.respawnall - Force spawn all junk piles pending respawn
- - Display a count of all map junk piles and their status
- rustedit.desk.populate - Force respawn any keycards missing from keycard desks
- rustedit.checkupdate - Check for new extension updates
- rustedit.downloadupdate - Download latest extension release
- The RustEdit extensions config can be found in your config directory where all your plugin configs are located (/oxide/config/RustEdit.json).
The config allows you to toggle certain features on/off
"Automatic Updates": {
"Enabled": true
"Spawn Handlers": {
"Enable loot container spawn handlers": true,
"Enable resource spawn handlers": true,
"Enable NPC spawn handlers": true,
"Enable APC spawn handlers": true
(void)RustEdit_NpcSpawned(BasePlayer) // Called when a NPC is spawned via a NPC spawner
(void)RustEdit_APCSpawned(BradleyAPC) // Called when a APC is spawned on a custom APC path
(void)RustEdit_OnMapDataProcessed() // Called after all map data has been processed (IO connections have been made, loot and resources are setup to respawn, NPC and APC spawners ready etc)
(void)GetAllMapEntities(ref List<BaseEntity> list) // Populates the list with all map placed entities
(void)GetMapEntitiesOfType<T>(ref List<T> list) // Populates the list with all map placed entities of the specified type (that inherit from BaseEntity)
(void)GetActiveNPCs(ref List<BaseCombatEntity> list) // Populates the list with all active NPC's spawn via NPC Spawners
(void)GetActiveAPCs(ref List<BradleyAPC> list) // Populates the list with all active APC's on custom APC paths
(void)GetSpawnpoints(ref List<Transform> list) // Populates the list with Transform components of all editor placed spawn points