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This is not a tutorial, neither a real project, I'm just following the classes by Corey Schafer on YouTube:

TODO format this page

  1. Getting Started

To run the app on the terminal, first set an environment variable: set

To actual run the app: flask run

To run in debug mode, first set: set FLASK_DEBUG=1

To configure different routs, use: @app.route('/home'), followed by the function: def home():

  1. Templates

Are html files with the pages design.

In python, from flask import render_template

To add code to the html file, use: {% for x in y %} and end with {% endfor %}

To print something in the html file, use: <h1> {{ post.title }} </h1>

In a layout html file, is possible to create a block, with: {% block content %} {% endblock %} where other html files can inherit and add code.

To extend from a layout file, use: {% extends "layout.html" %}, to overwrite the codeblock, simply call {% block content %} {% endblock %} and write between the }{. The endblock can also have the name of the block to indicate {% endblock content %}

To link file to the html file, use from flask import url_for

  1. Forms and User Input

For security, is important to set a random key on the main file, with: app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '9cdfdeda8dcb694055c2af3ea51176ce'

to generate a random key, on the python console: import secrets and secrets.token_hex(16), where 16 is the number of bytes

{{ form.hidden_tag() }} on the html of the register and login for security reasons

from flask_wtf import FlaskForm to work with forms.

from wtforms import StringField to get the fields.

from wtforms.validators import DataRequired are used to control data input settings

To allow the page to POST or GET, change in the main file: @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])

To check for a submit action use: if form.validate_on_submit():

To display a message, use: flash(f'Account created for {}!', category='success')

To redirect: use return redirect(url_for('home'))

  1. Database with Flask-SQLAlchemy

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy to import SQLAlchemy

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'db.create_all()' config the app with the database

db = SQLAlchemy(app) to bind an instance of the app

The Models are classes that extend db.Model

each variable is a db.Column, with specific attributes

primary_key Used on the id Column to set a id

unique=True Can not repeat values

nullable=False Can not be empty

default= specify a default value

posts = db.relationship('Post', backref='author', lazy=True) To connect the models

backref='author' A 'Column' on Post to reference the User

On the python console:

db.create_all() creates the file on sqlite:///site.db

user_1 = User(username='DaT', email='[email protected]', password='asdf') Creates a new user.

db.session.add(user_1) to add the user to the database

db.session.commit() to commit the database to the file

User.query. to get the elements

Options of query:

.all() all

.first() first

.filter_by(username='DaT').all() to filter by a specific parameter

The query can be saved on a variable

.get(id) get from the id

The user can be accessed from the post by

To clear the database, use: db.drop_all(), this will need to be reconstructed by db.create_all()

  1. Package Structure

To create a package, need a folder with the same name of the project and a file:

Move every file and directory, except the main file ( to the package

new files to models and routs, inside the package

rename to

  1. User Authentication

For better encryption, use flask-bcrypt from flask-bcrypt import Bcrypt

To use it, create an instance: bcrypt = Bcrypt()

To generate a hash: hashed_pw = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('the_password') this returns a binary, to get a string, just add .decode('utf-8') at the end

To check a password: bcrypt.check_password_hash(hashed_pw, 'the_password') which returns a boolean

On the project, initialize Bcrypt on the init file, importing and creating the instance with Bcrypt(app)

Now, on the routs, from the main package, import db and bcrypt

On the register rout, hash the password from the form and create a new User with the form information, then just add to the database and commit it.

To prevent a user of creating an account with the same username or email, we can add validation methods on the forms

To deal with sessions, use the flask-login and on init: from flask_login import LoginManager and login_manager = LoginManager(app)

Now it is possible to get the user session, with a method that has a decorator @login_manager.user_loader

Is expected from the User model some attributes: isAuthenticated, isActive, isAnonymous and getId

Instead of adding these methods, we can import the class UserMixin from flask_login

Now just extend UserMixin on the User class

Now on login in the rout:

from the form, we can query a user, check if exist and compare the passwords, if correct, use login_user (from flask_login), with the user and the remember option from the form.

To prevent the user from login again, we can use current_user (from flask_login) to check if the current user is authenticated.

To logout, we need the logout_user (from flask_login), and we need another rout, and add the logout_user() function with a return redirect to the home page

Also, we need to change the layout, to show a logout button

To prevent the user from accessing some routs, without been login, we can use login_required (from flask_login), and add on the route as a decorator.

To define the login route, on init we can set the login route with: login_manager.login_view = 'login'

To redirect from a previous page, use request (from flask). On the login route, after the user login, we can use the request method: next_page = request.args.get('next')

  1. User Account and Profile Picture

To update the parameter of a User, just set the current_user info, like: current_user.username = followed by a commit on the database db.session.commit()

To work with image files, we need from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileAllowed

Now, is possible to add an image field to the update account form using the FileAllowed validator for the file extensions

In the database, the name of the image is updated, to save the image use .save(the_path) on the, or use Pillow Image to resize it first.

  1. Create, Update, and Delete Posts

New route in /post/new with login_required for new posts

New form, with TextAreaField for the content of the post

On the route, when creating a new Post(), from the data of the form, is possible to specify the author with the current_user

To display the profile picture of the author on the post, define a <img > with the source as src="{{ url_for('static', filename='profile_pics/' + }}"

Is possible to set a variable on the route with <>, and inside it, specify the variable type with <type:variablename>, e.g, <int:post_id>

The variable can now be passed to the function

To query from the db and test if exists, use get_or_404(id)

To abort with an error, use the abort from flask, with the number corresponding to the error, abort(403)

To populate a form, first check if the request is a GET, with elif request.method == 'GET':

to delete something from the data base, use db.session.delete(post), followed by a db.session.commit()

  1. Pagination

The pagination is done during the query, with Post.query.paginate(), which has some attributes like per_page (default is 20), page which indicates the page and some others

But now to get access to the items, use posts.items

To acces the second page, add in the URL: ?page=2

To iterate between pages, use post.iter_pages(), which can have some arguments:

left_edge= how many items on the left

right_edge= how many items on the right

left_current= how many item on the left of the current page

right_current= how many items on the right plus the current page

To order the post by date, use order_by(Post.date_posted.desc()), before the paginate()


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